Tree And Grass Library Botaniq - Trees

by polygoniq in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 145 ratings by the community.

  • Sunlite
    3 months ago

    hi there,
    great addon for cycle. but is there a simple option to also use it with octane render (without baking in advance or relink the whole material)?
    Thanks a lot
    Best regards

  • michel moreaux
    4 months ago

    Wonderful and terrific assets (models + textures) very nice. I applaud. Very very good job.

    But ... unreliable for long term projects and also for creating your own reusable assets libraries based on their assets because they broke backward compatibility after some updates. I am left with many projects where I would have to manually tweak all their assets I used, simply because their different updates do NOT ensure backward compatibility. They renamed the name of the assets, textures and some geometry nodes groups .... and these that are left unlinked (= Blender complains that some Data Block are left "unlinked"). And although they provided a "button" form helping re-linking missed links, this still left some data block unlinked. Their support replied me that I have to "deal" with that "manually". Not nice for a end-user/client like me! So their updates totally broken many of my projects.

    The only partial solution left would be NOT to link to their library but this would make the process tremendously more complicated for avoiding to duplicate identical assets in a project.

    As of me, I can rely on add-ons that are nor reliable for long term. Since they already broke their library compatibility, how many times will it take for breaking it again?

  • Anon.
    4 months ago

    One stop for all things plants

  • Ryan Taylor
    6 months ago

    The addon was really good originally but the updated version of the ivy generator is awful. It went from a simple intuitive system where you draw with the grease pencil to indicate where you'd like the ivy to spawn to a finicky mess involving curves and empties that clutter your screen and become impossible to work with. The tree and plant library is pretty good though they don't hold up when viewed up close.

  • Onur Nidayi
    6 months ago

    The plugin is great but it is very frustrating to run with Geo Scatter. I actually bought the plugin as it was advertised to work to GeoScatter but I have been told users are finding that the programmers rewrote the code to work with their on Engon browser. Annoying having to deal with these issues when I just wanted to make life easier.

    • polygoniq

      4 months ago

      Hi, we tested the compatibility with GeoScatter and engon works with it with one minor UX issue - when you open geoscatter browser and then engon new window, geoscatter stays inside it, but all other use cases work and we are in process of fixing this one. We have improved the system over several versions, so make sure you have the newest update.

      Both us and geoscatter override preferences with our own UI, it’s not that we or GeoScatter are doing something more evil.

      Please get in touch with us through DM’s or discord and we can further help you resolve your issues and investigate what specific bugs you have.

  • Niilo
    7 months ago

    High quality assets with wide range, maybe in future there could even be more different grass assets to scatter, especially for overgrown/wild scenes

  • Warodom Chanphaibul
    8 months ago

    The addon is great but the document is poorly written and very confusing to follow.

  • Carlson
    8 months ago

    great add-on, it help my architectural visualization more presentable.

  • R
    8 months ago

    Bought the starter pack, the assets are ok but very too few

  • Christer Andersén
    about 1 year ago


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Sales 24700+
145 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 5 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free