
by Picto Filmo in Addons

How export Perception Neuron mocaps ?

Perception Neuron Software export:

Which motion capture system is RiGiMap compatible with?

RigiMap is compatible with:

  • Mixamo fbx downloaded
  • Rokoko bvh export
  • iPisoft bvh export
  • MoCapOnline fbx downloaded
  • Actor Core fbx downloaded
  • Perception Neuron fbx format
  • Plask.ai fbx format
  • Xsens fbx format
  • DeepMotion fbx format
  • Radical fbx format
  • Shadow fbx format
  • Mocopi by Sony bvh format
  • QuickMagic fbx/UE4 format
  • MetaRig ( Internal Blender Rigify Meta Rig )
Rokoko Free Mocap Online
Rokoko offers free mocap online, to use them, prefer the MIXAMO format given file and connect it to the Rigify Rig by the MIXAMO preset
Is RigiMap compatble with DAZ character converted in rigify

First, for rigify rig mapping to work, it is imperative to keep the default names of this set of bones:


['torso', 'hips', 'chest', 'shoulder.L', 'shoulder.R', 'neck', 'head', 'upper_arm_fk.L', 'forearm_fk.L', 'hand_fk.L', 'upper_arm_fk.R', 'forearm_fk.R', 'hand_fk.R', 'thigh_fk.L', 'shin_fk.L', 'foot_fk.L', 'thigh_fk.R', 'shin_fk.R', 'foot_fk.R', 'toe.L', 'toe.R']


['thumb.01.R', 'thumb.02.R', 'thumb.03.R', 'f_index.01.R', 'f_index.02.R', 'f_index.03.R', 'f_middle.01.R', 'f_middle.02.R', 'f_middle.03.R', 'f_ring.01.R', 'f_ring.02.R', 'f_ring.03.R', 'f_pinky.01.R', 'f_pinky.02.R', 'f_pinky.03.R', 'thumb.01.L', 'thumb.02.L', 'thumb.03.L', 'f_index.01.L', 'f_index.02.L', 'f_index.03.L', 'f_middle.01.L', 'f_middle.02.L', 'f_middle.03.L', 'f_ring.01.L', 'f_ring.02.L', 'f_ring.03.L', 'f_pinky.01.L', 'f_pinky.02.L', 'f_pinky.03.L']

Secondly, some bones may have a different orientation to the Rigify defaults, this can be corrected with RigiMap editing. You can then add transformation keyframes to these corrected bones and save this 'corrective action' and assign it to the RigiMap rig for all future Mocaps mappings.


You have to select the Mannequin Character on Plask.ai website to export your Mocap:


Rokoko Export

Legacy Rokoko Software export:

The compatible bvh file is exported from Rokoko Studio Legacy, with Rokoko Newton preset:

Beta Rokoko Software : fbx export with "Rokoko Newton" Skeleton selected

How import motion captures files ?

Import motion capture files always with default options. (no automatic orientation !)

RigiMap is just installed and it dosn't work ?

RigiMap code uses a python module to work. Sometimes it isn't activated automatically , so you need to close and re-open blender after the addon activated.

Install RigiMap addon without unpack the zip archive file.

How download Mixamo Mocap ?

For Mixamo Mocap, you have to choose the YBot Character in the Characters page:

then select your mocap and download by clicking on the "DOWNLOAD" button:

You cam select with or without skin, it doesn't matter:


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Sales 700+
12 ratings
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL