Quick Landscape

by Anindya Jana in Addons

What is the size of Quick Landscape v3.0?

The Pro version is approximately 19.2 GB after installation and lite version is 8.8 GB after installation.

Does it work with blender v4.0+?

Yes, the new Quick landscape v3.0 works with blender v4.0.

Note: Quick landscape v2.0/v1.0 only works with  blender v3.6 and v3.5.

Does it works on Mac?

Yes it works on Mac

Describe categories and variants ?

The addon has a total 38 different landscape and each  having 4 variants.

Total 38x4 =152 landscapes!

Can I share or redistribute artworks & renders made with Quick Landscape, for personal or commercial purpose?

Yes, of course! 

Are plants and trees included?

This addon is a library of 150+ landscapes and 16 vegetation scatter are included.

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Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 5
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License GPL
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