
by ICity in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 18 ratings by the community.

  • thegreattank
    4 months ago

    Amazing stuff !

  • stilllovemax
    4 months ago


  • Steve J
    4 months ago

    iCity is simply brilliant. Even as a v1.0 'beta', it works really well and looks great. Dead easy to use, and comprehensive in terms if assets and building variety. I can't wait to see how this improves. Was a bit dubious about buying it, but have zero regrets. Pair it with things like Polygoniq's Traffiq vehicles and Difffuse Studio's Procedural Crowds for instant, realistic cityscapes.

  • Trusty
    4 months ago

    This is a game changer, the best money I've ever spent on a blender addon

  • so jaesang
    4 months ago


  • Waleed
    4 months ago

    If you want an extremely quick way to model a city with exceptional textures and quality, you should try it. It is a must.

  • Nervous Relative
    4 months ago

    Solves a lot of common issues in city building. Amazing support response. I still haven't had a chance to fully check it out and can 100% recommend this.

  • Seth Rutledge
    4 months ago

    This is a really cool add-on with a lot of promise. I'm looking forward to seeing what gets added to it, but even as is, it is very usable.

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