Styriam Icc Image Compressor

by Styriam sp. z o.o. in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 12 ratings by the community.

  • Bob Hope
    over 1 year ago

    Finally accurate colors and contrast! This addon is a MUST if you are struggling with exports not matching.

    Works perfectly!

  • Juan Felipe
    over 1 year ago

    Finally what I see in blender is what I see in Affinity and in Photoshop.
    No more color profile stunts. Very happy.
    And as a extra layer is that the customer support is top notch.

  • sherlock1217
    about 2 years ago


  • Atrn Alex
    over 2 years ago

    Saved me so much time whenever I render now, no more going to Photoshop to batch apply ICC profiles to images or fiddling around to get the correct colors for videos

  • jerry14
    over 2 years ago

    At last, I don't need to think about ICC profiles in my video editing software.

  • Alex
    over 2 years ago

    Great addon and very easy to use! Images finally look consistent wysiwyg

  • Karolina
    over 2 years ago

    Finally, renders looks like they should. Very useful addon.

  • Lucas
    over 2 years ago

    This add-on saves me so much time in getting colours to display correctly in Adobe Premiere! Also, the developer is very responsive and helpful with support questions.

    I use Premiere to edit PNG image sequences of animation from Blender. Because Blender doesn't embed colour profiles into images by default, and Premiere has no way to assign colour profiles to image sequences, the colours in Premiere have always looked very different from how they've looked in Blender.

    In the past, I tried adding sRGB ICC profiles to images by processing them through ImageMagick on the command line after rendering. It worked but it wasn't a good solution, as it was very slow and an extra pipeline step with lots of room for errors.

    With this add-on embedding an sRGB profile into renders, the colours now match between Premiere and Blender, and it's fast and automatic. Honestly, this should be a default, built-in feature of Blender. I'm happy that I don't have to think about colour profiles anymore!

  • garfield5mm
    over 2 years ago

    Sorry, I still don't know how to use your description file, specifically in mac, which icc file should I use? And for output, which icc file should I use? I'm not an expert, so I didn't explain and specify, I don't know how to use it, thank you.

    • Jakub Gera

      over 2 years ago

      We understand that this product requires some basic level of specialist knowledge so we are always happy to help our customers and explain things they don't understand and we try to update FAQ and documentation accordingly. Unfortunately, we can't do much when the customer "didn't explain and specify", as it is stated. When there is dialog, there is always hope to successfully resolve all problems. Should we consider the dialogue concluded as the product is already rated?

      Answers to questions stated in your review are in the FAQ. If something is still unclear, the proper channel to contact us would be via the support message.

  • DefaultBacon
    over 2 years ago

    A must have especially if you are working with color calibrated displays.

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Sales 100+
12 ratings
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81
License GPL