Drag & Drop Import

by Andrej Tetkic in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 36 ratings by the community.

  • Berke Erem
    6 months ago

    God bless you kind sir (: I can't believe how this is not an embedded feature though

  • fang
    7 months ago

    blender 4.0 Install this plug-in. you cannot use the middle mouse button to control the proportional size.

  • Francis Lafleche
    8 months ago

    Any word on a 4.0 update?

    • Andrej Tetkic

      8 months ago

      Thanks... I am super busy with school right now as it is the period when everyone is giving out exams. I don't have too much to fix, just PLY import, importing directly onto the new BSDF node, and a few bugs that have been reported. Also, I will release it together with the version for MacOS with Apple silicon processors.
      The addon works in Blender 4.0 in every other way. You may have to re-install the dependencies though.


  • Ollie Zhai
    8 months ago


  • Elias
    8 months ago

    Useful in many cases

  • Yegor Kumachov
    8 months ago

    Looks very promising and handy. As iOS user purchased this addon and hope the M-processor version will be available as soon as possible

  • Justin Bess
    10 months ago

    Such a time saver! finally ! a must for any Blender user ! <3

  • Luke Catesby
    11 months ago

    Sweet addon! All features work as expected. Drag and dropping HDRs is a very useful function.

  • Mátyás Széles
    12 months ago

    Thanks for your help

  • Allan
    12 months ago

    unfortunately the "drag and drop images directly from web" feature freezes blender completely. tested with chrome, edge and firefox. dev unwilling to help. will update if things change in the future, but at this moment I'm very disappointed.

    • Andrej Tetkic

      12 months ago

      I do understand your frustration.
      You did reach out to me and I told you what is my situation, I am developing the version of the addon that will work for MacOS. Now, you are the only one to have an issue with that feature (as of my knowledge) and there are plenty of people expecting a Mac version that already bought the addon that missed the disclaimer that it is not supported. I recently got my hands on a MacBook Pro and my priority is to get that done as soon as possible as some people bought the addon, not reading the disclaimer, way back 5 months ago and didn't refund because they saw it as support to development.

      I am always happy to help anyone that contacts me, but right now, I am helping many people that have been reaching out to me since the addon was released.

      Don't take any of this negatively, it is just that I am busy. To be honest, I forgot you even sent me a message next to many other conversations and frustrations with MacOS development. And that is kind of my fault.


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Sales 2000+
Customer Ratings 36
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
Extension Type Legacy Add-on
License GPL
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