The Infinite Surface Builder Procedural Shader For Cycles

by Nick Sayce Designs in Surfacing

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 2 ratings by the community.

  • laurent bessault
    over 3 years ago

    Mister Nick Sayce Builders are powerful and fun to play with. Well organized monters nodes networks, kind of procedurals materials pieces of art which give you a full range of customisation. Regular updates give you more controls. Finally, Mr. Sayce is very attentive and responsive. A lots of really cool tutorials are available online. Thank you MISTER NS

  • N. Kuijpers
    about 4 years ago

    I've only begun to scratch the surface of what this shader can do, but it's fun to find out, even (or especially) for someone who's still little more than a noob in Blender. Well worth the money and the time to get to know it. Build on!

    • Nick Sayce

      about 4 years ago

      Incredibly kind of you to say, I'm hugely glad you're enjoying it! As a noob, you have a whole world of fun to come and if you need any tips along the way, by all means ping me a message and I'll help where I can, I love a challenge!

  • Displaying 2 ratings

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Sales 50+
Customer Ratings 2
Average Rating
Published about 4 years ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License Royalty Free
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