Sp2Blend: Substance Painter Shader

by BlenderBrit in Addons

Substance Painter importing made easy

Hi guys, I have been developing this shader for a while now and it's finally ready for release. It utilizes everything I learned from my PBR Pack which I've provided free on my website and takes it a step further to make an all in one solution for importing textures from Substance Painter. While this node group could definitely be used for any metallic/roughness workflow I have and will continue to keep it's focus and compatibility firmly geared towards Substance Painter.


I've kept it as simple as possible, you can use the default metallic/roughness workflow in substance painter and use the textures it generates directly without any alterations. Simply load in the base color, metallic, roughness, MixedAO and normal_opengl maps, connect them to the shader, set all but the base color to use 'non-color data' then use the various options to tweak as required. It's that easy.
I would like to thank cynicat pro for doing a lot of the hard work relating to fresnel and rim lighting and for sharing it with the community, if you haven't already definitely check out the guys tutorials.

Also credit to Papa_Dragon for his Steampunk Spider which I used for testing, available on BlendSwap and thanks to Astro1derboy for the engine comparison image.


Sales 700+
Customer Ratings 17
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 8 years ago
Blender Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free
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