Snap Sync

by Jacob Skrobis in Addons

Snap Sync Addon for Blender

Version: 1.0
Author: Jacob Skrobis
Blender Version: 3.0.0+
Category: Object
Location: Item Tab > Snap Sync


Quickly transfer location, rotation, and scale transformations between selected objects individually, or together in any combination.


  • Transfer Modes:
    • Target Last (Default/Recommended): Select/Shift-Select the object(s) you'd like to modify, and Shift-Select the final Target Object you would like to sync to. 
    • Target First: Select the Target Object you would like to sync to, then Shift-Select the object(s) you'd like to modify.
      * Important Note: User must reset selection order after each sync, exclusively in this mode, using the provided "Reset Selection Order" button.

  • Attribute Synchronization:
    • Transfer location, rotation, and/or scale based on user preferences.

  • User Interface:
    • Accessible in the Item tab of the 3D Viewport side panel.
    • Intuitive layout for transfer mode and attribute toggles.


  1. Open Blender and go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons.
  2. Click Install from Disk in the Top-Right Corner from the dropdown arrow, and select the file from the location you downloaded it to.
  3. Enable the addon by ensuring the box next to "Snap Sync" is checked.
  4. The Snap Sync panel will appear in the Item tab of the 3D Viewport in Object Mode.


  1. Select Objects:
    Select at least two objects in the viewport.
    Ensure the Target object is either the active object (Target Last), or is the first selected object (Target First).

  2. Open the Panel:
    Navigate to the Item tab in the 3D Viewport's right-hand sidebar.
    Locate the Snap Sync panel inside the Item tab. Feel free to drag it above or below your Transformations panel.

  3. Set Transfer Mode:
    Use the dropdown menu to choose between Target Last or Target First. (Once again, Target Last is recommended).

  4. Choose Attributes:
    Check or uncheck the Location, Rotation, and Scale toggles to specify which attributes to sync.

  5. Sync Transforms:
    Click the Sync button. The selected objects' transformations will update based on the chosen settings.


  • Undo Behavior:
    Sync actions are integrated into Blender's undo system. If you undo after a sync, both the selection change and the transformations will revert.
    This behavior is consistent across both Target First and Target Last modes.

  • Error Handling:
    A warning will appear if fewer than two objects are selected.
    If no valid source object is found, the sync operation will be canceled with an appropriate warning.
    Target First Mode, a warning will appear if you attempt a sync without clicking the "Reset Selection Order" button. Affects this mode only.


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Published 2 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type N/A
License GPL