Sci-Fi Robotics: Hard-Surface Kitbash Set

by Monolith in Models

All models have a Bevel modifier and Weighted Normals modifier. This is to add a more realistic and visually appealing look to each model, while still allowing users to modify how many segments are used. The segments can be reduced to reduce the load on your system. They could also be removed where needed but may need an extra Weighted Normal modifier to fix shading issues (See FAQ's).

The bevel is dependent on the scale of the model, so it is recommended not to apply scale for the model. If you need to apply scale, adjust the Bevel modifier's "Amount" parameter.

Each model is optimized for different bevel weights and angles, so joining multiple objects together could cause geometry/shading issues unless the modifiers are applied before-hand.

If purchasing the Deluxe version, please keep in mind that the content in the demo file is not meant for production. It is just meant to create thumbnails and serve as inspiration for how to use these parts. Feel free to use the content however you wish, but it may be a bit tricky to use at times (especially the rigging). The geometry is also not the most optimized, so it may be sluggish on lower-spec hardware.

In the Demo file, texture(s) are from, and the HDRI is from to

  • Full kitbash set with 50 models & 5 material assets + Free Updates

  • All Standard content + Demo file with 2 demo scenes


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Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 2 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Creative Commons