Rigging Toolz
The following video is a brief overview of the features in Pataz Rigging Toolz.
For a detailed explanation of each tool read the operator manual below.
Character Operators
A Character is defined by an armature object and all objects parented to it. Character operators work on the whole character regardless of your selection. If your active object is part of a character, all objects in the character will be affected.
Character operators can be executed in object, weight paint, edit or pose mode!
Clear Pose
Select any object in your character and activate the Clear Pose operator.
This operator clears the transformations of all bones in the armature assigned to your mesh, regardless of bone visibility or selection.
Toggle Modifiers
Select any object in your character and activate the Toggle Modifiers operator.
An alternative to the Simplify workflow meant to quickly switch between states of the modifier stacks. This operator toggles the viewport visibility of all modifiers of the selected types.
Specially useful when weight painting or working on corrective shapekeys.
Each individual type of modifier can be selected or ignored in the options below.
Show Deform Bones
Select any object in your character and activate the Show Deform Bones operator.
This operator toggles the visibility of all bone collections containing deform bones in your character.
Show Only Deform Bones
Select any object in your character and activate the Show Only Deform Bones operator.
This operator toggles the visibility of all bone collections containing deform bones in your character while hiding all non deform bones collections.
Reset Constraint Distances
Select any object in your character and activate the Reset Constraint Distances operator.
This operator resets the Stretch To and Distance constraints in all bones in your character.
Specially useful for after you have edited the Armature's rest position in edit mode and your constraints need to updated.
Each constraint type can be selected or ignored in the options below.
Set BBones Scale
Select any object in your character and activate the Set BBones Scale operator.
This operator sets the bbone scale of all bones in your armature to any value given below.
Weighting Operators
Toggle Weight Paint
Select any mesh and activate the Weight Paint operator.
The following automations will be done:
- The armature assigned to your mesh will also be selected, this allows you to select deforming bones with Ctrl + LMB while painting.
- All armature layers containing deforming bones will be activated.
- Bone X-Ray will be enabled.
- Wireframe overlay will be enabled.
If the Toggle Weight Paint operator can also be used while in weight paint mode to get out of weight paint mode while reverting back all the automations mentioned above.
Clean Weights
Select any mesh and activate the Clean Weights operator.
This operator bundles various bone weight group cleanup operations in a single operator based on the settings below:
Normalize: Perform normalization on all deforming bone groups.
Remove unused: Delete any vertex group with values equal or close to zero in any single vertex.
Limit Total: Remove the lowest value weight groups to ensure no more than the user defined number of weight groups are used in any single vertex.
It can be executed in object mode, weight paint mode or edit mode and always works in all vertices of the active mesh, regardless of selection.
Cleanup Operators
Clear Custom Normals
Select any number of meshes and activate the Clear Custom Normals operator. Non mesh objects in the selection will simply be ignored.
Custom Split Normals are often stored in meshes imported from other software and can be unnecessary at the rigging stage.
Clear Sculpt Mask Data
Select any number of meshes and activate the Clear Sculp Mask Data operator. Non mesh objects in the selection will simply be ignored.
Sculpt Mask Data is often left behind by sculptors and can be unnecessary at the rigging stage.
Clear Skin Modifier Data
Select any number of meshes and activate the Clear Skin Modifier Data operator. Non mesh objects in the selection will simply be ignored.
Skin Modifier Data is left behind when the Skin Modifier has been used in the mesh and can be unnecessary at the rigging stage.
Lock Transforms
Select any number of objects and activate the Lock Transform operator.
All transform channels (Location/Rotation/Scale) will be locked on the selected objects
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