Find Missing Textures - Fmt

by GilaDDD in Addons

"Find Missing Textures" - Easily Locate and Fix Missing Textures in Blender!

Get detailed reports of objects, materials, and nodes using missing textures to ensure safe cleanup or restoration. Utilize a user-friendly advanced panel to streamline your workflow!


From FMT version 3.5, the panel moved from the "Texture" tab to the "Scene" tab (the "Texture" tab is now hidden by default in blender 4.3)

Cleaning up or fixing your Blender project can be frustrating when you're faced with a long list of missing texture paths, and you’re unsure if they’re still linked to any objects or materials. Hunting through countless folders to locate those textures takes time and energy—but not anymore!

With this add-on, you’ll get a comprehensive report of all missing textures in your Blender file, including the objects, materials, and nodes they are linked to.
The advanced panel (exclusive to the 'FMT' version) makes it easy to view and fix missing textures. Effortlessly search for your images across multiple folders and subfolders, saving you time and ensuring a smooth workflow.

Find Missing Textures

"Find Missing Textures" provides a centralized list of all broken image links in your project, allowing you to quickly fix them or safely remove those you no longer need.
The best part? You can effortlessly search for missing textures across multiple folders and subfolders with just one click, making it easier than ever to locate your lost images!

For more information and help, you can go to the post on blender artists fourm:

Change log:

V 3.5 - 10\12\2024:

-Move the FMT panel to the "Scene" tab

-Small Bugs fixes

V 3.3 - 26\07\2023:

-Small Bugs fixes

V 3.0 - 2\07\2023:

-Add the option to search for textures with different extension (Thx 'Pete Burges' for the idea)

-Selecting all the objects with missing texture.
-Small Bugs fixes

V 2.9 - 12\06\2022:

-Bugs fixes when press the delete button when no image selected

V 2.8 - 4\05\2022:

-Bugs fixes and small improvement

V 2.7 - 2\05\2022:

-Add the option to search the textures in multi folders and sub folders. 

V 2.6 - 26\04\2022:

-Fix a bug that show missing texture on a new loaded file

-Improving the speed of the searching process

  • Get a list of all of your bad images so you can fix them fast in one place

  • Get a full report of your objects that have bad texture path


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Sales 100+
8 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License GPL