Procedural Traffic - Addon And Rigged Cars

by Suzanne studio in Addons

How to use Procedural traffic?

To see changes you need to be on the first frame of your animation. If nothing still changes try deleting baked data on the bottom of settings panel.

  • Don't forget to bake Procedural traffic system before render.

Settings: The Bermuda Triangle of productivity

Place all your roads into the "ground" collection.

To stop cars on intersections or traffic lights place cube in "stopped" collection and move it in front of the car.

Always come back to frame 1 to refresh

How to add my own passengers?

For adding people our system takes models from 2 collections - one for passengers and one for drivers. Any model placed in those collections will be randomly instanced on front seats. 

These collections can be found in outliner under "DO NOT DELETE - ASSETS" collection

For correct placement in 3d space, check position of origin point and rotation of models already placed in those collections.

How to add my own car?

Follow this tutorial to add your own models to the procedural traffic system.

Assigned vertex groups:
Front left - wheelFL
Front right - wheelFR
Rear left - wheelRL
Rear right - wheelRR
brakes - particular wheel + brake (example: "wheelFL", "brake")
Front lights - light (apply subdivision surface, select only one vertex per each light)

Same goes for the proxy car. Name proxy car the same as the original vehicle and add "space" proxy - example: Range_Rover, Range_Rover proxy.

You can use all materials from the cubes on the side, everything should be linked and work together.

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to contact me
Sales 300+
Customer Ratings 4
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 7 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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