Poles And Cables Generator

by Samuels Procedural Tools in Modifier Setups

Something doesn't work right. I think I found a bug?

First, make sure that you're using Blender version 3.3 or later. The generators use nodes that may not exist in older versions.

If it still doesn't work and you can't figure out whats wrong, write me a line and I'll look into it.

Can I create custom poles?

Yes! Check the documentation to find out how to make them compatible with the poles generator.

The curve draw tool won't draw on walls.

Make sure to change the draw mode from "Cursor" to "Surface" at the top left.

Can I create X or Y sections too?

If you use mesh edges as a target, you can create X and Y sections, but the pole will be instanced more than once on it. That's not really a problem for radially symmetrical poles, but it will look weird for T-shaped poles.

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Sales 70+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5
License GPL
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