Physical Starlight And Atmosphere

by Physical Addons in Surfacing

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 141 ratings by the community.

  • Hanterdro
    over 2 years ago

    This is in my opinion the best sky addon so far.
    But why only 4 stars?

    - The clouds looks pretty underwelming (I would recommend using VDBs clouds)
    - The development of this addon feels super slow (in comparsion to other Blender addons)

    However, I still highly recommend this addon. Works for me better than any other sky addon which is currently availibe.

  • Neil Wood
    almost 3 years ago

    I chose this Addon instead of Pure-Sky Pro. I'm not sure yet if I made the right choice? The sky presets that ship with this Addon are now in a Blend File that can be used in Blender's Asset Browser. However, when I open the Preset Blend File the the thumbnail images of the preset skies look great, but in some cases the render view in Blender looks nothing like the thumbnail image that represents it (e.g. tatooine, retrowave) and I can't see much change between any of these presets really? So, I'm not sure if there's something wrong with the shipped presets and think this needs looking into, and when corrected, maybe a few more could be included to get people started with this Addon?

    The clouds are a great idea in this product but they are not volumetric and could do with a bit more work to improve thier quality and usability. I think that as they currently are they can be useful for background distant views, but I suppose you could have a go at making your own volumetric clouds to use to supplement / replace the ones generated in this Addon - see the link here: (

    I also think an option to add a moons and a range of planet types into the scene would be a great addition to this Addon. And if this along with the other points / issues I've raised were dealt with, I think this Addon would possibly be the number one Addon in this space?

    • Physical Addons

      almost 3 years ago

      Hi Neil,
      Thank you for your feedback! Indeed there's an issue where when applying the World asset it doesn't refresh the azimuth/elevation values and the generated atmosphere may look completely different than the one in the image, although it is a screenshot of the asset. There will be a hot-fix this week regarding this issue.

      In this addon, we have implemented a simple, but quite sophisticated (fast as they are procedurally generated and good for most cases) version of clouds. There is a future plan to develop advanced clouds as a separate addon as it is quite extensive work that has to be done in order to provide realistic and physically accurate clouds that perform well.

      Regarding planets - in the upcoming month we are about to release a new addon called Physical Celestial Objects (PCO) which would let you create physically accurate planets on a real scale with just a few clicks. You can see the progress of this addon in our Discord channel ( #showcase section.

      Thank you again for taking your time and writing the review <3!

  • Blue Nile
    almost 3 years ago

    Fantastic realism and speed of use. Great add-on!

    However I'm currently having an issue - I have animated the world azimuth and elevation from morning to night and the world lighting is not updating on render or timeline scrolling.

    I then tried animating the sun object to see if this would help but the problem persists.

    Add-on is amazing but any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    • Physical Addons

      almost 3 years ago

      Hi Joe,
      Thank you for your feedback! Here's a ticket regarding the issue: Quick response is - unlocking the interface should fix the issue. For any more questions regarding issues visit our Discord #help channel ( or write to

  • acan
    almost 3 years ago

    Great potential however after I closed blender and reopened it (didn't make any changes) I can no longer render. It crashes. I am on blender 3.1.2 and addon version 1.5.1, also tried 1.3.X

    • Physical Addons

      almost 3 years ago

      Hi Adnan,
      Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hit us up on our Discord #help channel ( or write to and we'll try to figure out what could be the cause of this and how to fix it.

  • Enigmaw Studios
    almost 3 years ago

    Product DOES have a lot of bugs, usually with a new version of blender, but what you get carried immense value. You're virtually crafting your own hdri, and now the clouds feature works well with 3.1 (maybe even 3.2). My current gripe is the loss of all preset options. They simply vanished. Is thisa known bug? Is there a fix on our end that can solve?

    • Physical Addons

      almost 3 years ago

      Hi, thank you for your feedback!
      Regarding presets, since PSA addon version v1.5 we have moved from our custom preset solution to Asset Browser. About how to import assets and use them read more on our documentation page here: We are currently working to make using presets more user-friendly.

  • Cean Huckabay
    almost 3 years ago

    Do you know that feeling that you get when you're walking outside in your hometown and the sky looks particularly breathtaking? The Sun is going down and you feel relaxed and exhilarated at the same time. You think to yourself: "I wish I could recreate what this incredible sky is making me feel right now." It's almost like that. Not quite, but almost.

    It's a lot of fun to play with, and I know that it's expensive, but it is definitely better than... well it's better than a lot of things that I have spent money on.

  • AW
    almost 3 years ago

    Great addon but NO SUPPORT :(

  • High Resolution
    almost 3 years ago

    Really great!!!

  • Evan
    almost 3 years ago

    Super buggy, kind of works in setting up a scene, then sun controls stop affecting for no apparent reason. Clearing rebuilding doesn't fix it, adds tons of overhead and honestly there really isn't much in the way of options to dial in atmosphere or presence, extremely limited cloud functions. For my usage, offers less than a good HDRI.

  • Robin
    almost 3 years ago

    With just the ligting results and disregarding the awesome atmospheric effects this purchase is worth it. I had a really good render using an HDRI image which I was quite happy with and then I tried this....

    I am truly amazed. The dynamic range is incredible.

    At first I struggled but reading the documentation and experimenting a bit, I ended up with even better results than I had imagined.

    Just a heads up to new users on a few points:

    1) Using render preview in Cycles you must switch back to any of the other view port shading options and not just pause rendered view. If you dont, you may run into GPU Vram issues.
    2) If you want to render with HDRI background in cycles you have to turn off the sun lamp and leave on the sun disc.
    3) Following on point 2, if you adjust the elevation or azimuth of the sun whilst previewing live through rendered view and your sun lamp is off, you wont see any changes. You have to turn sun lamp on to get visual feedback of your sun position then turn it off again to update in HDRI mode.

    I'd like to see more types of clouds, but I think that could ruin the speed of this add-on since it would likely need volumetrics to work well.

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Sales 15200+
141 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 5 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
Extension Type N/A
License GPL