One Click Fire Scatter

by Mamba CG in Addons

OneClickFireScatter Addon for Blender

User Documentation


The OneClickFireScatter addon is designed to quickly add realistic, procedural fire effects to any surface in Blender with minimal effort. Ideal for artists and animators, it allows you to apply customizable fire in just two clicks. With adjustable parameters, you can tailor the look of the flames to your needs, creating dynamic and immersive fire scenes effortlessly.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the Addon: Make sure you have the latest version of the OneClickFireScatter addon file.

  2. Open Blender:

    • Start Blender and go to the top menu.
    • Select Edit > Preferences.
  3. Install the Addon:

    • In the Preferences window, go to the Add-ons section.
    • Click on Install… in the upper right.
    • Navigate to the downloaded or .py file, select it, and click Install Add-on.
  4. Enable the Addon:

    • After installation, check the box next to OneClickFireScatter to enable it.
    • You should now see the Fire Scatter panel in the 3D View sidebar.
  5. Save Preferences (Optional):

    • Click Save Preferences to have Blender remember this addon every time it starts.

How to Use OneClickFireScatter

Step 1: Select Your Object

In the 3D viewport, click on the object you want to add fire to. The addon will apply fire effects only to the selected object.

Step 2: Open the Fire Scatter Panel

  1. Go to the 3D View sidebar (press N if it isn’t visible).
  2. Navigate to the Fire Scatter tab to open the addon panel.

Step 3: Add Fire Effects

In the Fire Scatter panel, you’ll see four different flame types, each designed to create a unique look:

  • Flame 1: Click this to apply the first type of flame effect.
  • Flame 2: Adds a different variation of flames.
  • Flame 3: Creates another style of fire.
  • Flame 4: Provides yet another flame option.

Click on any flame button to instantly add a Geometry Nodes-based fire effect to your selected object.

Step 4: Customize the Fire (Optional)

After adding the fire effect, you can customize its appearance by adjusting the following properties:

  • Density: Controls the number of flame particles scattered across the surface.
  • Random: Introduces randomness to the distribution, making flames look more organic.
  • Rotation: Adjusts the rotation of each flame instance for added variation.
  • Min and Max: Set the minimum and maximum values for random variations in the fire effect.

Note: These settings are available only if the chosen flame type has been applied correctly and you have an active Geometry Nodes modifier on the selected object.

Step 5: Animate the Fire

To start or stop the animation, use the Start/Stop Animation button at the bottom of the Fire Scatter panel. This will bring the flames to life, adding a dynamic effect to your scene.

Key Features and Functionality

  • Quick and Easy Fire Application: Just two clicks to select an object and apply fire.
  • Customizable Flames: Adjust properties like density, randomness, and rotation to suit the look you want.
  • Four Flame Types: Choose from four distinct flame effects to best match your scene.
  • Procedural Geometry Nodes: Fully procedural, allowing flexibility and control over the fire effect.
  • Animation Control: Simple animation toggle to breathe life into your fire effects instantly.


Issue: "No module named 'OneClickFireScatter'"

  • This error may occur if Blender cannot locate the addon file. Ensure the addon folder is correctly named OneClickFireScatter and placed in Blender’s addons directory. Reinstall and enable it from Edit > Preferences > Add-ons.

Issue: Animation Button Not Showing

  • Ensure the Fire Scatter panel is open in the 3D View sidebar and the object is selected. The Start/Stop Animation button should appear at the bottom of the panel.

Issue: "NoneType" Error for Geometry Nodes

  • This error may happen if the Geometry Nodes modifier isn’t applied correctly. Click one of the Flame buttons again to reapply the effect, ensuring that the selected object has an active Geometry Nodes modifier.

Support and Feedback

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please reach out to our support team or visit our online community forums. Your feedback is valuable in making OneClickFireScatter even better!

With OneClickFireScatter, adding dynamic fire effects to your scenes has never been easier. Enjoy creating stunning visuals in just a few clicks!


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Published 3 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL