N Panel Sub Tabs

by Soyoyo in Addons

How to save the width adjustment of the N Panel.

This is an issue unrelated to this addon. But If you want to save the width adjustment of N Panel, you can save the Startup File after adjusting the width of N Panel. The menu path: File -> Defaults -> Save Startup File.

Does it work with other N Panel manage addons?

No, it doesn't work with other N Panel manage addons. You have to make sure only one of these addon updates your N Panel, otherwise, they will lead to chaos. If you need to use another N Panel manage addon, you can just uncheck the Auto Apply On Startup option of this addon and restart Blender and not apply the settings manually. Thus this addon will do nothing to your N Panel, except for the HardOps and BoxCutter addons which may need you to modify their tab names in their addon preferences. Then you can use another N Panel manage addon. BTW, Be careful if you disable this addon, it will lose your settings. Before disabling, remember to export the settings, or confirm that they are useless or can be easily rebuilt.

Found some weird behavior on N Panels?

In most cases, you may have modified some categories settings, but not applied them yet.  Before you search for an answer to an issue, you should confirm that the categories settings have been applied. That's because they are already associated with the N panel after your first applying. If you change the categories settings, the association will not be completely correct. Then some weird behavior may appear. So you need to apply the categories settings after you change them.

Why can't I put the Item and Tool tabs into a category?

They are some kind of special. If you want to manage these tabs like other tabs, it may not work as you expected. It may be a bug or a decision of the Blender. So in this addon, these tabs are in the Exclude Tabs, and they are not allowed to be deleted. If you meet any other tab that doesn't work with this addon, you also need to put it in the Exclude Tabs.

This addon reports an error that said "class 'xxx' has no module"?

You may have recently removed/disabled an addon, but that addon did not completely clean up(i.e. unregister) its panels. You just need to restart Blender to clean up these panels. In a future version, this kind of panel may be filtered directly. Edit: From version 1.1.0, this kind of panel is filtered directly. No longer need to restart Blender when you remove/disable such addons.

An error occurred when using this addon? And it only happens on a specific addon. When I remove/disable that addon, everything works fine.

This addon works on the N Panels of most addons on the market. But there are a few addons that have their own styled management on their N Panels. This may lead to an error. If you found such an addon, you can add their related tabs to the Exclude Tabs to avoid bothering, and report it to us. We will try to fix it, but not a promise. The other way, you can report the issue to its creators.

How do I restore my original categories?

The first method is to uncheck the Auto Apply On Startup option in the addon preferences and then restart the Blender. Thus this addon will do nothing to your N Panels, except for the HardOps and BoxCutter addons which may need you to modify their tab names in their addon preferences. The second method is to disable this addon and then restart the Blender. Note that the second method will lose the settings. If the settings are important, please export and save them first.

Sometimes, I find a tab is enabled, but the panels of that tab not showing in the category?

First case, you may have disabled the addon, but the tab is still in the category. Second case, the panels of that tab need to meet certain conditions before they are shown. For example, you need to select an object, or the editor needs to be in a certain mode.

Why sometimes the Title Panel (also called Sub Tabs Panel) is not at the top?

It's possible that you changed the category settings and it wasn't applied, or you mis-dragged the order of the panels, or for some unknown reason. You can re-apply the category settings, or correct the order manually by dragging the eight-dot icon at the top right of a panel. By the way, if you change the category settings, remember to apply the category settings to update the sidebar.

Auto apply categories settings when Blender startup, not working?
First, you have to make sure that you have checked the Auto Apply On Startup option in the addon preference, then it will auto-apply categories settings on Blender startup. But in some cases, even if you have checked this option, it still doesn't work. This is because Blender canceled the timer if you create/open a file. So if you want Blender to execute the event, you need to wait before creating/opening a file. If you just need to create a new file, you can do it by clicking the area outside of the popup. If you don't want to care about this, just apply the categories settings manually after Blender startup. Edit: from version 1.1.1, this issue was fixed. The timer is changed to after a file loading(but executes only one time after Blender startup). Generally, if you have checked the Auto Apply On Startup option, it should work well from this version no matter if you create a new file, open an existing file, or click the area outside of the popup. No more waiting.

Some categories are placed between my categories in the sidebar?

That's because some addons use the bl_order to control the category order in the sidebar. You don't need to worry about this, it is not a bug. If you don't like this, you can put it in one of your categories, or change the bl_order in their code.

I add a tab in Exclude Tabs, and apply the settings, but the relate panels still in the last category or T category.

If you update Exclude Tabs, you need to restart Blender.

Does it work on all addons?

No, it only works on the 3D View N Panel. 

Does it allow a tab to belong to multiple categories?

Yes, but the tab's panels only show in the last category in which you enable it. 

I didn't create the T category, but I found it in the sidebar. What is it?

It is a temporary category where all panels of disabled tabs in the categories are temporarily stored. Normally you don't need to pay attention to it.

Sales 300+
Customer Ratings 19
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 11 months ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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