
by EBTRR in Modifier Setups


  1. Download the ZIP
  2. Go to Preferences
  3. Add-ons
  4. Install
  5. Select the ZIP-File
  6. Activate the Add-on

This Add-on works only one Blender 3.3 Beta. It is a Pre-Release.

Do not forget to deactivate the Original Influence Objects Collection for Renders.

Side Functions:

Apply All Visible Modifiers.

A Simple Self Intersection Remover.


Objects with self-intersecting will have some of the effects applied to those areas. (I used a modified version of the monkey head; usually, these objects do not work)

The Add-on has an essential clean-up function for these objects, but this produces sometimes Non-Manifold Meshes, which do not work with the Mesh Boolean.

The Add-on has a less performant for this by the Weld option through the Less Optimized Boolean, but I recommend to not use Non-Manifold Meshes.


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Sales 60+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
License GPL