This item has an average rating of 3 from 13 ratings by the community.
about 3 years ago
Do not buy. Doesn't work.
over 3 years ago
Work amazing !... in the version that it works.
No support for all 2.93 (and I can assume 3.0 too) version. It's not that some function do not work, no, it just doesn't work at all period. Dev is not responding, last update was years ago.
If you're using pre 2.92, works great !
If you're using every version after 2.92 (including 2.92), doesn't work at all.
Elian Koll
over 3 years ago
Don´t buy !
Plugin is Dead, last update 2019.
Developer is not responding.
5 STARS for the plugin itself, works great last with Blender 2.91.
over 3 years ago
Lts must be supported! For anyone. Period. I know it is difficult with the stupid, moronic way that the Blender Foundation makes every small fart of theirs a official release. But no lts support makes is not acceptable. When it is usefull product such as this. There can be no hate for things you do not love. I have already had a conversation with a Blendermarket rep and I will be able to have this review deleted when the problem is fixed.
Walter Volbers
almost 4 years ago
Very useful and fast result,
support was also fast and helpful, thumbs up.
used with 2.92
Nico van der Merwe
about 4 years ago
Thanks Alberto for the speedy updates and responses to errors, updating to 2.9 and the recent fix for 2.91 is fantastic support! Glad this plugin in particular is not abandoned as it's probably my most used addon ever!
over 4 years ago
Works great in 2.9
Much needed for game dev, I can add detail to my scenes without effort.
over 4 years ago
This add-on offers a lot of options for dropping assets. It's really fun to use (:
Inamura JIN
almost 5 years ago
This is a very nice addon
However, I am unable to proceed with the error below.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\MassFX\", line 212, in modal
File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\MassFX\", line 427, in mass_fx
bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.use_split_impulse = False
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'use_split_impulse'
location: :-1
Alberto Gonzalez
over 4 years ago
Hey, I have updated the version. Thanks for the bugreport
Brandon Hix
over 5 years ago
Never worked properly in Blender 2.7x series, wondering if we're gonna get an update for Blender 2.8. Would love to give a better rating, but never got to use this product due to the errors and lack of updates.
Alberto Gonzalez
about 5 years ago
I recently updated the addon and is now ready for Blender 2.8