Masknode V1.2
What is MaskNodes ?
MaskNodes is custom node groups that procedurally generate black-and-white texture which can be used to add detail to your material
How to install ?
In Blender, navigate to Edit -> Preferences. Then the Addons tab.
Hit the install button, locate the zip and install the zip file.
Make sure the addon is displayed in the list and enabled
How to use ?
After installing the add-on a new category 'Mask' will appear in shared editor's 'Add' menu (Shift+A), you can select the required mask from there. ( 'Mask' category will only appear if 'Use Node' check box is checked)
Mask nodes can be used in two methods
Both methods gives same result
Types of Mask Available
1. Coverage Mask
2. Damage Mask
3. Edge Mask
4. Ground Dirt Mask
5. Leak Mask
1. Edge Mask work only in cycles render engine
2. MaskNode's custom group will not appear when searched in add menu (Shift+A)
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