Geometry Nodes Procedural Zippers

by Studio Roel Deden in Modifier Setups

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 11 ratings by the community.

  • Ogier
    about 2 months ago

    very good and reliable!
    It would be nice to have an adjustment to move the zipper away from the mesh in some cases.

  • glenndebacker
    9 months ago

    Great, saved us a lot of time and was relatively easy to use.

  • Jasper Hesseling
    12 months ago

    The system is working great. I have one issue but it is a minor one, the meshes of the zipper parts are containing N-gons which is causing more cleanup when working in a wider pipeline outside Blender.

  • Valentin
    about 1 year ago

    result ends up crooked. Zipper won't open or close all the way either.

    • Roel Deden

      about 1 year ago

      Hi Valentin, I am sorry to hear that you encountered some issues. Could you send me a message where you explain your problems. I will try to solve them for you right away so the community also won't have the same difficulties in the future. For now I will add a parameter to easilly open and close the zippers all the way instead of doing it by factor, that can be a bit confusing sometimes in combination with the other parameters.

  • Frank Hilton
    about 2 years ago

    To understand why I really like this GN Zipper setup. I had a severe stroke back in Jan 2019. I have severe post-stroke vertigo that is with me 24/7; never leaves me. It has caused Neuropathy in my hands and so I can no longer work, lost my car (can't drive) and have to use a cheap drawing tablet cause I can't use a mouse. I used to be a freelance web/graphic/3d free-lancer, but now I just do this as a hobby for myself when I am up to it. So, finding easy to use addons are important to me to help ease neuropathy pain in my hands. Anyways...

    This Zipper GN setup is super easy and has a lots of brilliant settings to change the zipper. You can change zipper width, size etc. You can also change the materials to what you want. This is easy to use using curves. This Zipper GN setup is the best I have come across.

    I contacted the developer and he responded very quickly to my question. And from everyone else's review it looks like his support is A+!!

    This has been such a blessing to help me. You will not regret getting this!!!

  • Binyamin Bass
    over 2 years ago

    Works wonderfully! I agree with all the other comments. I just wish that it would possible to convert to mesh and still have the zipper open animation available so it could be rigged and exported to game engine.

  • Chris
    over 2 years ago

    I totally agree with the previous comments.
    This tool works great, saves time, it is incredibly affordable and the support is just awesome. 5 Stars!

  • Aaron
    over 2 years ago

    Super handy time saver. Even if you need it for a single project, it's worth it. After looking at the node setup, I felt guilty for paying so little!

  • Chris Lee
    over 2 years ago

    What a great way to add zippers.
    It just works :)
    Glad i found this, it saves so much time.
    The support is amazing. I had a question an it was answered in no time.
    No brainer here.
    Thank you.

  • Jim Taylor
    over 2 years ago

    Another great add-on! Roel is very responsive and helpful and his add-ons have saved me a ton of time.

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Sales 400+
11 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
License Royalty Free