Find Duplicate Meshes
This is brand new and currently in beta. If you run into issues, please report them with an example file.
What is Find Duplicate Meshes?
This add-on enables you to quickly select identical meshes, allowing you to link mesh data across objects.
Perhaps you:
- Import non-Blender files, where shared mesh data may be unsupported but could be utilized
- Work on large scenes, where memory usage must be kept in check
- Have a habit of duplicating meshes without linking (I did this a lot as a Blender beginner ... if you didn't know, use
Alt + D
instead ofShift D
The process of finding and linking identical meshes in large scenes can be tedious. This add-on helps simplify this.
- Automatically select all meshes in your scene that match what your current selection!
- With a selection you think may have identical meshes, automatically match and link them all!
Why is sharing mesh data so important?
- Simplify mesh workflows: update multiple objects or instances by modifying one mesh
- Optimize your scene: linking mesh data reduces memory usage, improving viewport and render performance
And finally...
I will warn: these functions are not 100% comprehensive and cannot guarantee mesh congruence in every way. When in doubt, always inspect the meshes to the precision you need. It is always better to link and instance meshes from the beginning whenever possible.
Upcoming Changes
- Coalesce differences in object/mesh data materials
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