Easy Motion Paths

by jkdesign in Addons

Do I Need tu update everytime I move an object with the update button ?

In gtaph editor, you need to update evrytime due to the limitations of Blender's Motion Path module. But If you activate the Auto Keying and move your objects (G key) in the 3D viewport, see the objects Paths update in real time without the clicking on the update button.

How can I delete easy motion Paths points ?

The easy motions Paths is build to be as simple as possible. It create/delete motion Paths points with the easy Paths button. To delete all points, select all objects ("A" shortcut) or bones and clic on easy Paths button

I see too many points

To limit the visible points in the 3D viewport :

- select all object/bones (A) and desacivate the motion Paths (easy Paths button)

- Select only objects/bones you absolutly need

- change the start and end frames in the timeline (or in the output properties)

…before reactivating the easy motion Paths button

  • For personnal use. No Upgrade (version 1)

  • All versions. With all new presets. For commercial usage.

  • All versions. With all new presets. For commercial use. For commercial usage.

  • For classroom usage and student animation films


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Sales 100+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
License GPL