Easy Motion Paths

by jkdesign in Addons

The new  2025 version 2.0 is available

An easy and stable way to create color motion paths for multiple objects or bones. Simply select objects (in object mode) or bones (in pose mode) and click on "Easy Motion Paths".

The paths are automatically updated in the 3D viewport, and random colors can be assigned to help you visualize your animation paths.

Main features

    1. Works on:

          • Objects
          • Cameras
          • And even bones (in Pose mode!)

  • Random colors help with managing multiple paths and visualizing all your animation trails.

  • Auto-updates in the 3D viewport.

  • Update button available when working in the graph editor.

    Select and randomize pre and post color (version 2)

How to use easy motion Paths

  • To create motion paths for selected objects, simply click on the "easy Paths" button.

    For bones, select the desired armature(s), click on the "BONES" button, then select the bones. Finally, click on the "easy Paths" button.

    You can use the "A" shortcut to quickly select all objects or bones.

Known issues / Roadmap

  • The Easy Motion Paths tool is designed to be simple and user-friendly. It allows you to easily create or delete motion path points with keyframe numbers across the entire playback range.

    If you want to limit the visibility of the points to a specific range, you can adjust the start and end frames before activating the Easy Motion Paths button.

    It may work well even if you select many objects. It may work well even when you select multiple objects. In Pose Mode, you can work on one armature at a time.

    Please notice that due to changes in Motion Path in Blender 4.2.1 (pre and post color), version 2 works welle on Blender 4.2.1+. If you need to work on older version, please use version 1.

    Please note that advanced options may be added in future updates if required.


New version for Blender 4.2.1+. Free update for studio version. 

Rewriten version with many new features.  Apply motion path on OBJECTS including range paths :

Rewriten version with many new features.  Apply motion path on ARMATURES (Bones) :

Change or randomize pre and post color

and design all motion paths in a few clics

  • 1.0.1
    New Buttons : Clear Paths and Update Button in Timeline :

    Clear Paths : delete all Paths in Objet or Pose mode
    Update Button in Timeline display in TimelineGraph Editor and Dopesheet's Headers

    Initial release

    For any bug reports send me a message on blender market.

    Stay tuned, new user-friendly plugins will soon be available on the market.

  • For personnal use. No Upgrade (version 1)

  • All versions. With all new presets. For commercial usage.

  • All versions. With all new presets. For commercial use. For commercial usage.

  • For classroom usage and student animation films


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Sales 100+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
License GPL