Urbaniac! City Asset Pack

by Urbaniac! in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 21 ratings by the community.

  • Daniel
    16 days ago

    A very nice collection of add-ons with many settings that is a huge help in creating urban environments, plus the seller is a nice and willing to help person :)

  • Marko
    5 months ago

    Just WOW!!! :)

    "Urbaniac! City Pack" is a Great Product / Asset Collection from the Urbaniac! Team!!!
    The Quality of the Assets are Very Detailed and of High Quality!!!

    Personally I've got all the Urbaniac! Installements; wich started at First Testing out, the Free Version of "Urbaniac! City Asset Pack - Free";

    Then I Had to Get Step by Step All the Full Versions of Urbaniac! "City Asset Pack" + "Building Generator" + "Streets Roads and Highways" + "Industrial District" and the "Law Inforcement" to this Great Collection.

    I must add, that I also personally own, all the most Popular City Generators on BlenderMarket; But Urbaniac! Remains my Favorit; because You're not Retricted to Only One Kind of Buildings; But You've got a Whole Universe that You Can Customise, from Different Buildings Types, Industrial Zones, Police Station, Stores, Roads Highways, Trash...
    And You Can Control all the Assets from the Interface of the Urbaniac! Addon!!! Amazing!!!

    This is all my Personal Opinion (no Affiniation to the Creator); and I would Sugget to use the Coupons available on the Porduct Pages, if You Intend to Expand Your Urbaniac! Library, because it's Worth It!!!

    So Thanks "Urbanic! Team" for this Amazing New Product & Please Continue Your Creative Job!!! ;)

  • Marc
    8 months ago

    I'm just out of energy to deal with the plenty of bugs created by the python codes behind this addon . First , I'm not a beginner in blender world. I work since years in 3d modeling apps and I'm pretty wise to debug myself but now .... this Urbaniac addon packs are a MESS .

    They are an absolutely nice work in terms of architectural thing and the procedural buildings are very nice idea but the code is horribly made and it feels like a specialist in 3d modeling tried to become a coder and made something without considering the way Blender works and is programmed. I first had problems with the SYNC system interfering with other addons ... and then recently , I did a very hard work , very well made with the building generator addon ... to finally realize any props added from other Urbaniac packs like a simple fence would cause a major memory leak . I had a file running fully smooth with 22 HD buildings on my high end PC and ... it took max 35GB ... 42 GB while in Preview mode. Now just addind a simple fence along a coast made with this addon created a major memory leak , making my PC go up to 92GB taken . I run 22 millions polygons in very smooth and 33% of my RAM but simple fence of hundreds of polygons ... duplicated in APPEND mode .... fulls my DDR5 and my 14700k PC . Come on .

    Seriously , I'm a patient man . I tried to talk a bit to Patricio but I feel he's not so interrested to correct bugs that seems pretty major to me and I understand some addons like Building Generator is a Anticipated Version but ... the packs are still sold pretty at high price for codes that need A LOT of work as I see this.

    Finally , in 3 weeks , I was unable to use the 3 packs I bought together without strange bugs ruins each time my files . I take then a week to find a workaround and when I find it , I begin a new project which will cause failure and RAM leaks freezing my PC. The addons don't integrate well together and caused problems with other addon so ... sincerely ... it's sad. The concept was VERY NICE . I had so much fun looking at the props , telling me now nothing would stop me from creating . In facts , the props are SUPER NICE but it's of no use if in each project I start , I get stucked in stupid bugs .

    Normally , I just write to the creator , don't want to be rude as it's sometimes more tough to code with open source like Blender is. I give a chance a lot to creators but now after a month trying to create something , I've come to a point I'm forced to buy other addons that sue less my needs like I City which is too much automated for me and gives less control on the quality.

    I spend around 150$ CAD in these Urbaniac packs. If it would work decently without us waiting for the next bad surprise ... I'd feel it's more than fair price for what it is ... but I regret it honestly. It's probably suitable for people only doing small small amateur things but the concept is for pro people so the target fails in terms of marketing because of that.

    I really wanted to like this but when I get to a nonsense bug after dozens of hours on a pro scene , it really gets me too angry. Why I bought 3 addons that don't work together decently? If I want to add props to my buildings , I can't without strange bugs ... and what's the point of using props or roads without the buildings ? It adds another complexity in my projects ... asking myself if I continue using only the Building Generator and buy other addons ... to complete with the props but if I do this , nothing tells me another strange bug won't happen in Building Generator ... cancelling for a 3rd or 4th time a new project .

    I didn't want to be too much rude so I give 3 STARS but sincerely , if I'd be rude I'd put 2 because of the frustration generated. The hopes created by the marvelous concept takes us into a moment of joy and when the problems starts ... it's an horror story but sadly , users won't know this looking at most of our reviews ... only because we can't modify them after using more the addon.

    That's my second complain about Blendermarket. A couple of addons I seen here look absolutely amazing because most of people are excited to comment after only some minutes using the addon. One week later , probably that a lot of us becomes very frustrated but we can't modify our initial review. It's a thing BlenderMarket needs to modify. The pertinent revies are the one that have been updated after a while but ... Blendermaket don't want us to inform other users. ... they want to sell so they made it in favor of that. Because of this , a couple of addons here are unachieved things rated 5 STARS by dozens of hundreds of people.

  • YeeTaTa
    over 1 year ago

    I have purchased the pro version, how can I get coupons for "Urbaniac! Streets, Roads and Highways" and "Urbaniac! Building Generator V0.25 Early Access"?

    • Patricio Massun

      over 1 year ago

      Hi YeeTaTa they are on the sale page:
      "UrbaniacSRH80off":80% off on Ur! Street, Roads & Highways.
      "UrbaniacBG20off":20% off on Ur! Building Generator.
      Add one of them to your cart, and use the coupon... if you want both, you will need to repeat the process with the other one (only one coupon for buy is allowed on blendermarket)

  • sean
    over 1 year ago

    a bit tough to work with

    • Patricio Massun

      over 1 year ago

      Hi sean, thanks for the feedback - Remember that you can download the manual: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1goiDwt66qHpSCWA_QxX2G8jGaKAQqvEc
      See our video tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhM3xx9v-qs&list=PLt23kvhTA-3xnBZQZdf_2OlRh8wj9f4_m&index=14
      And join to our discord for personal and community support: https://discord.gg/hdaZMe8ZK7

  • FW
    over 1 year ago

    I'm a sucker for tempting add ons that look like they could really speed up work flow, but so often they wind up actually adding another layer of complexity to things. This add-on truly lives up to the demo in the description and beyond. It's so well crafted and clearly cared-for, it's just loaded with features beyond the description. Do yourself a favor and grab this one immediately.

    I would love to see one addition: roads with bike lanes, roads with parking lanes, and roads with both. I guess that's 3 things..

    If there were 6 stars I'd give them to this add-on.

  • yisus
    almost 2 years ago

    Amazing!!! Ty

  • Patrick Stirrat
    about 2 years ago

    This is a fantastic add-on. It is well organized, it has new features being added often, and great support from the developer. This is in my top 3 best add-ons

  • John
    about 2 years ago

    Amazing addon!!

  • Chris Parker
    over 2 years ago

    Incredibly easy to use tool that provides high quality assets. Patricio was also very helpful and responsive when I had difficulties with the initial installation.

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  • 14 FREE assets + bugfixes and support

  • 90 assets + bugfixes and support

  • more than 180 assets + Access to coupons for others Urbaniac! libraries + more content + bugfixes + support


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Sales 2600+
Downloads 15100+
21 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free