Blenquick Auto-Rigger V2

On Sale! by Denix Studio in Addons

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Contact us here, or on our Blender Artists thread: or on our Discord:
Why is there so little information here?
Because we are busy working to make our addons more awesome, and because at the moment there isn't much demand for it. If you need any written tutorial about anything, just contact us and you'll have it the next day:)
  • The Full Bundle Without Any Limitations! Automatic Detection For Humanoid And Non-Humanoid Characters, Body Parts Duplicate (Head, Arms, Legs, Fingers etc.), Prebuilt Extra Parts (For Hair, Clothes, Tails, Spines And More), Retargeting, IK/FK Switches, Bone Layers, Character Layers, Rig Properties, Picker, UI Customizations... Export Your Rig To Unreal Engine 5, Autodesk Maya, Godot, Unity And Any Other Similar 3D Program.

    $26.25 $35

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Sales 20+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL