Blenquick Auto-Rigger V2
It all started in April 2023 when I discovered Blender and started to play with character rigging.
Alas I couldn't find any auto-rigger that was suitable for me so I decided to develop my own, that was early 2024.
Then one day a friend told me "hey mate, your addon is cool, why don't you sell it?", and here we are...
BlenQuick Auto-Rigger V2, The Advanced Auto-Rigger On Blender
Try it once and never look back but don't take our word on it, check our latest Demo Video:
BlenQuick Auto-Rigger is the ultimate Blender add-on for quickly and effortlessly rig characters, vehicles and objects.
Whether you're working with humanoid or non-humanoid characters (such as cats, dogs, horses etc.), or even vehicles (cars, buses, trains, planes, boats etc.), BlenQuick eases the entire rigging process, saving you plenty of time while maintaining top-notch quality.
Why Choose BlenQuick Auto-Rigger?
- Blazing-Fast Performance: By far the fastest Auto-Rigger on the market, BlenQuick makes complex rigging tasks a breeze. With unprecedented speed, be it binding, bone placement, final Rig, Rig export, duplicating or adding parts, parts toggling...
- Easy to Use: With intuitive markers, rigging characters becomes a quick and automated process. Just add the markers, and BlenQuick will place the bones for you
- Universal Rigging: From humans to animals with multiple limbs and from body rigs to facial rigs, not to forget vehicle rigs and even clothing or accessories (like skirts, scarves, dresses etc.), BlenQuick handles it all
- Unique Customization: Customize the User Interface to match your exact needs with options for UI scaling and button styling
- Export in FBX and GLTF format, compatible with Unreal Engine, Maya, Godot, Unity and any other similar 3D animation program
Automatic body detection and auto character object assignments:
Facial can be automatically placed in 2D and 3D based on user's minor selection & assignments:
New And Unique Features Not Found In Any Other Auto-Rigger
- Automatic Character Objects Assignment Based On Guessing And Recognition System
- Multi-Rig Parts Duplication For Head, Arms, Legs, Spine, Fingers, Toes And Neck
- Body Markers Setup And Facial Markers For Animals
- High Quality And Blazing Fast Binding For Facial And Body
- Simulation
- Universal Vehicle Rig And Vehicle Detection Without User Action (Based On Cars But Can Be Edited To Work On Buses, Trains, Planes, Motorbikes, Boats etc.)
- Redesigned UI With Tons Of New Settings For Ultimate Customization, Take Full Control Of Your Add-On!
Even the body markers can be themed:
V2.4 Is Out, It's A Game Changer
As Fast As Ever But With Even More Features, The Second Generation Of BlenQuick Auto-Rigger Completely Rewritten From Scratch Using Our Own Custom Rig
Optimized Existing And New Features Making It the Fastest Auto-Rigger For:
- Advanced Baking
- Advanced Detection
- Automatic Facial Detection Based On Assignments
- Retargeting
- Final Rig Generation
- Rig Export
- Fingers Toggling
- Automatic parts detector for detecting extra parts
Adding And/Or Duplicating Rig Parts (Duplicate Nearly Anything On The Rig: Head, Spine, Tail, Fingers, Toes, Legs And Arms)
Want To Try It First?
Download the Free Demo Version, or the Free Demogorgon Character Rig, and see BlenQuick Auto-Rigger in action.
Watch The Rig Features Demo (coming soon).
Watch The Rigged Character Demo.
Watch The Animal Rigging Demo.
Need any help?
Questions, Feature Requests, Bug Tracker?
Join Our Community On Discord, Or Check Our Thread On Blender Artists.
BlenQuick Auto-Rigger is regularily updated with new features and optimizations, and incremental updates are free.
If you only need a basic version with less features, check our BlenQuick Lite add-on.
BlenQuick Auto-Rigger V2 Main Features
- Blazing fast binding, detection, retargeting, fingers toggling, adding and/or duplicating rig parts, final rig generation and rig export
- Game engines export/support, FBX, GLTF (Unreal Engine, Autodesk Maya, Godot, Unity and any other similar 3D program)
- High quality binding for facial and body
High quality facial markers detection for humans and animals
- Body markers setup for humans and animals
- Automatic body and facial markers placement
- Automatic bone placement for characters, asymmetrical models supported
- Automatic character objects assignment
- Body markers mirroring
- Duplicate body parts (head, spine, fingers, toes, legs and arms)
- Feature rich parts parameters settings
- Picker body/face
- Eye location locked or free
- IK/FK eyes
- Auto-eyelid rotation
- Head rotation locked or free
- Fingers close from scale
- Fist close from scale
- Breath bone from scale
- Root bone for humans and animals
- IK/FK switches
- Fingers, toes and hands are IK-FK
- Rig & Character Layers
- Cartoon compliant : stretchy spine, legs, arms, head
- Prebuilt poses ready to use like T-Pose, Y-Pose and Unreal Engine A-Pose
- Add Rigs : skirt, jumper, scarf, sleeve, dress etc.
- Simulations : click simulation to easily generate a click effect on the object(s) you choose
- Bone Physics simulation, easily create a wiggle effect on bones
- Universal Vehicle Rig And Vehicle Detection Without User Action
- Saver/loader for Rig data, action data, retargeting presets data and custom armature preset
- UI customizations
- Themes for the outer and inner body markers
Customize your Rig in a few clicks!
or remove parts, and duplicate arms, legs, head, fingers and toes
(click on "Parts Parameters", or on "Shift P", to access those options).
BlenQuick can Rig any vehicle (buses, trains, planes, motorbikes, boats etc.) thanks to its Universal Vehicle Rig, and detect vehicles without user action (based on cars but can be edited to work on any other vehicle).
If you want to edit the base reference bone, do not click on "Edit Base Armature" but on "Edit Car Base Armature".
Make sure to set the type to "Vehicles" before generating the final Rig, and click on "Multi-Wheels (Vehicles)" if your vehicles has more than 4 wheels.
Auto-Rigger includes rigs for skirts, scarves, tails, hair, sleeves, hairbands, dresses etc.
Fingers, toes, hands and feet IK-FK.
FK tail base to rig ropes, FK spines, tentacles, wires, ponytails etc.
IK/FK Switches for legs, arms, torso, fingers, toes etc.
UI Customizations
Customize your UI in a few clicks and take control of your addon!
In the UI tab, click on the 3 dots menu to access all the UI settings and customizations and scale buttons, align buttons, split between 2 or 3 buttons, change text label, change pop-up size, set custom icons for buttons, and set colored theme for buttons, properties and dropdown enums.
Want To See More? Watch Our UI Customization Demo!
Rig Export
Skeleton export to FBX/GLTF format, compatible with Unreal Engine, Maya, Godot, Unity and any other similar 3D animation program...
The exported Rig includes everything, that is the facial Rig (if you made one) and all the body parts/limbs.
Before exporting the Rig, do not forget to click on the "Set Skeleton" button:
Rig & Character Layers
Store bones and objects to easily turn on/off character layers to hide or show clothes, hair, shoes, scarves, hats and bones controllers.
Character Layers:
Bone layers:
1 : Click Simulation (an universal tool that works on any Rig). Easily generate a click effect on the object(s) you choose, for example piano keys or a computer keyboard.
2 : Bones Physics Simulation. Easily create a wiggle effect on bones.
Coming soon, in the 2.4.x versions
Retargeting featuresRetargeting presets and improvementsRebuild retargeting bone list from scratch so that it's more stable and customizableAction Manager to save or load actions and animations to/from a .json formatNew facial detection system- New detection mechanism using advanced modules and systems
- Improvements in binding for weight paint vertex group
Full final rig generation rewriting More animal presets (horse, fish/sea mammal and snake)- More vehicle presets (
bus, train, plane, boat and rocket) - Picker for extra parts (
tails,arms, legs and fingers) and multi-rig picker Auto body markers placementBody markers mirror- Special duplicate tool to duplicate anything
Rig saver, to save Rig data in a .json format file that can be reloaded later
- Complete final rig generation rewritting, now it's more precise and fully compatible with Blender 4.3.2.
- Added more checks in the final rig generation.
- Improved body detection, now it recalculates finger bones roll.
- Added more checks on the breath bone and the root bone addition/removal.
- Bug fixes.
- Improved detection.
- Improved eyebrows detection, now it warps around the character's head.
- Automatically hide facial bones if facial is not setup.
- Fixed the green and red marker themes.
- Added a menu next to the body markers buttons to customize the markers.
- Bug fixes.
- Added new icon for the update check.
- The update check feature is now in the UI menu.
- Improved detection for arms and legs alignment.
- Bug fixes.
- Added colored facial markers.
- Added an automatic zoom into the facial mask when "Add Facial Rig" is clicked.
- Added a setting to set the zoom distance when adding a facial rig.
- Added check boxes to disable facial parts.
- Improved body detection.
- Improved baking.
- Replaced all the buttons for defining character parts with objects assigners for baking.
- Added a button next to the head
pointer under the Facial Detection Features to automatically search if
there's an object containing the word "head" in the whole blend file and
then assign it to the head pointer.
- Fixed the hand issues in the final Rig generation.
- Added an error handling for the set export definement.
- Added an option to parent all bones for the set skeleton.
- Added a button in the parts parameters to fix some common category or content visibility issues.
- Completely rewritten the check for update feature.
- Added buttons in the update pop-up to get support and check documentation.
- Added an error handling in the update checking system to see if there's any issue.
- Fixed the themes assignement system.
- Bug fixes.
- Added features in the facial assigners panel.
- Re-added the "Add Rig"
menu to the Armature section in the add menu (shift+a), to easily add
armature presets (it was present in the early V1.x versions but got
removed then because it was buggy).
- Added an "Add One" button in the custom armature, to save time when adding a custom armature.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Improved the set/unset skeleton.
- Added a baking engine where you can choose between Advanced and Built-In Automatic Weight.
- Completely rewritten FBX export settings.
- Fixed syntax issues for the facial assigners.
- Added options in the export settings to define character mesh(es) for automatic weight assign.
- Updated UE units function.
- Fixed constraints manager panel visibility.
- Improved mixamo mapping preset.
- Added the user preference save/load customizations and settings buttons in the UI menu.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Heavily optimized the set skeleton to make it faster.
- Added option to save or restore a BlenQuick Auto-Rigger's customizations and settings.
- Added retargeting preset for Unity.
- Fixed parts parameters category issues.
- Added options in the parts parameters (Left & Right Eye Master Amount, Left & Right Leg Stretches and Fix Thigh Roll).
- Added a string field in the export settings to rename the root bone.
- Updated the visibility for the face's sub options.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added automatic body markers placement.
- Added a Help! button in the automatic body markers placement settings.
- Improved body markers mirroring.
- Added automatic facial markers placement.
- Added assigner buttons for facial placement.
- Added a new setting for the export to give the option to keep the facial or not.
- Added 4 new retargeting presets (Rokoko, Unreal Engine Mannequin, Character Creator and BlenQuick Auto-Rigger).
- Improved retargeting, now it clears the temp constraints and restores only the ones that are needed.
- Added constraints manager tab to save or load constraints data.
- Improved bone list building.
- Updated retargeting preset names.
- Improved the set skeleton.
- Added a setting for the export to scale the export rig.
- Added a Software section in the export settings to prepare the skeleton and the character for Unreal Engine units.
- Moved the software type dropdown (to select which software you want it to prepare for) to the Software section.
- Improved the parts parameters settings.
- Fixed the invert spine feature.
- Added a breathing bone for the Rig.
- Added a root bone for animals.
- Body markers setup has a different color (yellow and blue).
- Added themes for the outer and inner body markers.
- Added new UI customizations.
- Added a bus Rig preset.
- Improved car Rig.
- Rig properties have been moved outside the pose option panel.
- Fixed the "Install Update From Disc" feature.
- Code cleanup.
- Lot of optimizations.
- Major bug fixes.
- Completely rewritten the export skeleton set.
- Added Rig settings for the export skeleton set.
- Added a root bone on the human armature.
- Fixed the human armature eyes issue.
- Fixed lips issue on the human armature.
- Added a Spine & Neck category, whose function is to subdivide spine/neck, in the Parts Parameters.
- Added a feature to disable or enable root bone in the Spine & Neck category.
- Added a feature to invert the spine.
- Reordered the UI panels.
- Heavily optimized the retargeting, now it's lightning fast.
- Bug fixes.
- Heavily optimized Rig generation, now it is 3-4 times faster.
- Added 4 new features in the Parts Parameters to: lock the head, lock
the eyes, stretch the head and set the distance of the Eyes Master.
- Improved detection for the hands.
- Added a Rig Saver tool to save/load to/from a .json file.
- Added a new checkbox to mirror the body markers setup.
- Added more protection to the addon (error handling & warning messages).
- Bug fixes.
- Improved retargeting.
- Completely redesigned and rebuilt retargeting bone list.
- Redesigned retargeting mapping options and moved them to their own dropdowns.
- Added a spreader tool to quickly add or remove large amounts of mapping slots.
- Each bone mapping slot is now equipped with an "X" button to quickly clear the string.
- Completely rewritten the final Rig generation code.
- Added a new part parameter option (at the bottom of the "Head" category) to add or remove a controller to roll the lips.
- Bug fixes.
- Added 3 prebuilt bone list retargeting presets (Mixamo, Basic Rigify and Complex Rigify).
- Moved bone list options, such has saving mapping, load mapping, clear mapping etc., to the retargeting panel.
- Added action manager, a tool to save or load actions and animations to/from a .json format.
- Added 2 more animal presets (fish/sea mammal and snake), and placed them in a new sub menu called "Extra Animal Presets" in the "Add Rig" dropdown.
- Updated the bug tracker URL to point to our Discord.
- Added 2 buttons to go to BlenQuick's forums (Blenderartists and Discord) in the addon preference.
- Fixed icon issue for the support and documentation buttons in the addon preference.
- Bug fixes.
- Added retargeting tool.
- Improved detection.
- The defining buttons have been replaced by the Assigners, which are object assigning slots.
- Added the horse preset has a part of the extra animal presets.
- Added the Sticky Eyebrows feature in the Parts Parameters to simulate sticky and grabbing eyebrows using factor bars in the Head category.
- Fixed the rig properties system.
- Fixed Custom Armature Preset.
- Added a new string in custom armature adding process to rename the custom armature button.
- Added detection debugging features to reconfigure armature booleans from a dropdown list or re add missing markers.
- Added the bones manager, a collection list that can manage, edit, select, reset transforms, and more, all your armature bones.
- Added a .toml file so now BlenQuick Auto-Rigger is detected as an add-on.
- Optimizations.
- Bug fixes.
- Major improvements on the final rig generation so that arms, facial and fingers are more aligned and follow the base armature bones, all while preserving speed and efficiency.
- Various optimizations.
- Bug fixes.
A big chunk of the code was rewritten and optimized so now:
- Body and facial detection are nearly instantaneous.
- Final rig generation takes a couple of seconds.
- Baking is much faster and more precise.
Other additions:
- Fixed some icons issues.
- Fixed the picker panel's position.
- Improved the definers.
- Added new definers: teeth top definers, teeth bottom definers and
head definers. Note that for now it's required to use those defininers
otherwise the binding will not work and that it's only for the binding.
- Added version indicator in the UI menu.
- Various under the hood improvements and optimizations.
- Bug fixes.
- Full compatibility with blender 4.3. Use previous version (2.1.3) if you still use blender 4.2.
- Updated icons.
- Optimizations.
- Optimizations.
- Added new icons in the UI menu.
- Fixed themes connections.
- Fixed picker themes connections.
- Optimizations.
- Bug fixes.
- Reworked UI Customizations.
- Added picker for fingers.
- Added color modes for pickers in the addon preference.
- Blue color mode available for pickers.
- Fixed picker color issue.
- Improved the Update Disk Installer feature.
- Reconfigured some features.
- Optimizations.
- Added Picker for body and facial.
- Files and code improvements.
- UI cleanup and improvements.
- Optimizations.
- Bug fixes.
- Optimizations.
- Fixed the define bug in binding.
- Fixed the boolean configuration problems.
- Added new features to define character's eyes and tongue for better detection & binding.
- Facial detection, binding and final Rig improvements.
- Fixed the facial setup and the edit facial buttons visibility.
- Code cleanup.
- More optimizations.
- Bug fixes.
- More improvements to the final Rig generation.
- Various optimizations.
- Bug fixes.
- Improved body detection.
- UI improvements on the detection settings panel.
- Added a new feature to edit the facial markers at any time.
- Optimized the final Rig generation.
- Bug fixes.
- Fully optimized detection to make it even faster than it already was.
Bug fixes.
- Fixed a major bug in detection.
- Improved detection so that it's now possible to detect a character without defining it.
- Updated text on some buttons for defining.
Bug fixes.
- Added a multi parts automatic detector.
- Added new customizations in the addon preference.
- Added a dropdown menu next to the UI tabs to access UI's settings & UI customizations.
- Bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- Added a shortcut button to quickly access the UI settings & customizations.
- Added universal automatic car detection without user action.
- Added integer properties for character visibility.
- Fixed the bones layers name issue.
- Added a checkbox for character layers properties alignment.
Completely Rewritten From Scratch.
- New And Improved UI And Tons Of New Settings For Various Customizations, Take Full Control Of Your Add-On!
Optimized Existing Features Making It the Fastest Auto-Rigger for:
Binding, Detection, Fingers Toggling, Adding And/Or Duplicating Rig Parts (Head, Spine, Fingers, Toes, Legs And Arms), Final Rig Generation, Rig Export.
New Unique Features Not Found In Any Other Auto-Rigger:
Simulation, Body Markers Setup For Animals, Facial Markers For Animals, High Quality Binding For Facial And Body, Car Rigs, UI Customization, Duplicate Head, Spine, Fingers, Toes, Legs and Arms On The Rig.
- Added a full body picker panel.
- Added a new panel to fix clothes.
- Added a new feature to fix characters' body.
- Added a dropdown in addon preference to change the picker button's color.
- Added a checkbox in addon preference to enable/disable the picker panel.
- Added a new feature called "Snapshot Tool" to upload an image next to the picker as a reference for it.
- The Rig export is now capable to export facial Rigs.
- Various optimizations and bug fixes.
- Bugs fixes.
- Bugs fixes.
- Improved the "Set" feature, so now the elbows & knees are better align.
- Added a new feature in the "Edit & Add Rig" panel to easily disable/enable the facial Rig.
- UI improvements in the "Edit & Add Rig" panel.
- Changed "Fix IK/FK Switches" string, so now it's called "Fix Interference Add-on".
- Code cleanup and removal of unnecessary assets.
- Fixed the facial mask Rig feature for animals.
- Bug Fixes
- Bug fixes.
- Added a facial mask to Rig the character's face more easily and to have better facial detection.
- Bug fixes.
- Fixed the Auto-Rigger feature for animals.
- Optimizations.
- Added a new pose feature set similar to Unreal Engine's A-Pose.
- Optimizations.
- Improved body detection.
- Added a dropdown in the FBX settings to seamlessly change export format inside the Blender file view, so that you won't need anymore to click on cancel, then on file, then on import and then finally choose the new format (feature taken from our Change Operation Add-on).
- Added a new feature (BlenQuick Update Installer) in the addon preference to quickly install updates, so that you won't have anymore to remove the older version, then install the update and enable it, and then finally save the preference.
- Various optimizations.
- Bug fixes.
- Added a new feature to scale the Rig so that it fits your character's size.
- Now when you add a Rig, that Rig is automatically active.
- Improved body detection.
- Added a checkbox in the add-on preference to disable the display of the "Rig Main Properties" panel.
- Added 2 new options ("Full Body" and "Full Facial Only") in a popup that shows when the start button is clicked.
- Added 2 new features ("Reset Rig" and "Reset Selected").
- Added an option to export to Unity (untested).
- Added a "Fix IK/FK Switches" button in the add-on preference to fix the IK/FK switches in case you have an add-on that interferes with mine.
- Stable Release, all known bugs have been fixed.
- Various optimizations.
- Added 2 new features ("Fix Tongue" and "Fix Teeth Top").
- Added checkboxes for the Rig display.
- Moved the IK/FK switches and some character display and Rig properties to a new panel called "Props".
- Fixed a bug in the "Fix Pant" feature where the last vertex group didn't work properly.
- Fixed the "Unset" feature.
- Bug fixes.
- Improved bones layers.
- Improved pose position.
- Improved "Fix Jaw" feature.
- Improved "Fix Eyes" feature.
- Improved "Fix Teeth Bottom" feature.
- Major bug fixes.
- Updated translation.
- Added a "Fix Pant" feature.
- Initial Release.
Happy Blending!
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