I get an error when I try to run the analysis.
Ensure that your file is saved. It needs to have a name in order to create the browser file. Otherwise, contact me with the bug.
Why does the analysis open in a separate browser page?
Several advantages to this:
- It doesn't create any objects in your blend file, so that your work is left untouched.
- It is a separate file in the same folder as your blend file, so you can open it - fast - at any time to see what is in the blend file. Opening a series of analysis files is way faster than opening a series of blend files when looking for an asset.
- It allows the interactivity to see the different relationship and to easy jump into isolation mode to see a specific object's direct links.
- It is a single stand-alone file so it is easy to share amongst your team.
- Since it is all drawn dynamically, the file is super small, even when analyzing the largest of blend files.
Is there a limit to how big the BLEND file is to analyze?
NO. I have tested on the biggest files (thousands of objects) that I have and it works fast. The only issue you may have is that you might need to increase the height of the canvas that the results are displayed in to show all the relationships. You can do this on the panel, just before generating the analysis.
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object relationships Visualizer analyzer asset organizer spring23 documentation