Once you have installed the Blendalyzer addon, within any blend file that you are working on, and at any time:
- In a Properties pane, open the World settings.
- Expand the Blendalyzer panel.
- Adjust the size of the canvas (you should only need to do this if the blend file is really big - that is, has a lot of objects).
- Set the colors of the nodes if you want to highlight some more than others. I suggest keeping the colors quite bright for the text contrast. Some nodes will get assigned special colors to indicate their circumstances (i.e. a large internalize image will be red and not the normal image color to flag it for a size issue).
- Click "Generate". A browser window will open on your machine to display the results. The page will be empty at first.
- Select an analysis from the drop-down menu. You can select which ever one you like at any time.
- Click on any object to enter isolation mode and see only that object's direct links.
- Toggle the "Show Details" to either see more relationships on the screen, or more details about each object.
- The file is saved in the same folder as your blend file, with the same name of your blend file (only with an .html file extension). So if the browser doesn't automatically open, look in your blend file's folder, and double-click to open it there.
With Blender's amazing potential, it is impossible to test every possible situation, so please let me know if you find something wrong or not displaying properly, and I will fix it ASAP.
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