100 High Quality Feather Alpha Textures (2.8)

by Blender Pirate in Models

***The alphas can be used with any blender version or any other 3D app or game engine. However, the .blends associated with these files are created using Blender 2.8 and aren't backward compatible.***

Have you ever tried finding good feather textures online? Well, I've been doing birds for a little while and finding good feather textures to use is like finding a needle in a hay stack!

So when you cannot find the tool you need, you make it. So I create a feather alpha generator and generated 100 feather alpha of high quality and of all the types of feathers. 

-3 different sets of 9 primary flight feathers, 

-2 different sets of 8 secondary flight feathers,

-1 set of 9 tail feathers,

-1 set of 8 wings covert feathers,

-1 set of 6 scapular feathers,

-1 set of 5 contour feathers,

-1 set of 5 Semiplume feathers,

-1 set of 5 Filoplume feathers,

-1 set of 5 Bristle feathers,

-1 set of 5 Peacock feathers,

-1 set of 4 scruffy feathers.

These alpha's are not just white, so it can be used for a few different purpose. The stem is white and the feathery part is grey, so it can be used as a mask, as a spec map, as a bump map. 

I separated this into 3 different packs, High, Medium and Low. The long feathers are bigger then smaller feathers. For example, flight feathers are 8k in the High pack, 4k in the Medium and 2K in the Low, But the Smaller feathers like Semiplume are 4k in the High pack, 2K in the Medium pack and 1K in the low pack. All carefully made into powers of 2 of course. (8k x 2k, 8k x 4k, 4k x 2k, etc...). Each pack contains a FeatherProceduralMaterialCreator.blend already setup for you so you can tweak the procedural colors as well as change the alpha feather at will so you can get the desired textures for your exact needs. Very easy to use!

These can also be used to sculpt of paint textures. All the feathers you'll ever need to make a bird!

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  • In this pack you get 100 various feather alpha with resolutions from 4k to 8k. Also included is my FeatherProceduralMaterialCreator.blend ready to generate all the feathers and colors you need. (.blend only works in 2.8). Also includes the medium and low pack!

  • In this pack you get 100 various feather alpha with resolutions from 2k to 4k. Also included is my FeatherProceduralMaterialCreator.blend ready to generate all the feathers and colors you need. (.blend only works in 2.8). Also includes the Low pack as well!

  • In this pack you get 100 various feather alpha with resolutions from 1k to 2k. Also included is my FeatherProceduralMaterialCreator.blend ready to generate all the feathers and colors you need. (.blend only works in 2.8)


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Sales 300+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 6 years ago
Software Version 2.8
Render Engine Used Eevee
License Creative Commons