
by ejones_3d in Models

Xerosicyos Danguyi

- Verticies 16,226
- Polygons  16,048 (All quads)

A Xerosicyos danguyi or Silver Dollar Plant.  Great for any home or office setting.
It is 100% quad geometry. Textures are 4096 x 4096 though it is mostly just flat color and an ambient occlusion texture.  Also included is the equirectangular texture I used for renders (2048x1024).  It has been UV unwrapped (non-overlapping).  All parts are grouped and parented to the main pot object.  Material renders where done with a level two subdivision, with the exception of the rocks.  Wireframe renders where with no subdivision with the exception of the level two subdivision example.  Preview images were rendered with Blender 2.79 Cycles Renderer.
Native file format is Blender 2.79 (.blend)


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 6 years ago
Software Version 2.79
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Textured
License Royalty Free