X-Monochrom: Monochromatic Film Emulation

by Mischen Software in Addons

X-Monochrom is a custom camera module, which imports directly into the 3d viewport. Within the add-on’s UI panel, simply click ‘Import Module’ and the sensor will automatically become the active camera in the scene.

Please ensure that you enter the ‘viewport shading’ menu and set the Compositor setting to ‘Camera’.

This enables the custom camera settings to be viewable in the active camera. You can also click ‘Always’ which will mean the custom settings are viewable in the entire viewport, but the in built lens distortion may mean moving objects around can be complicated and disorienting.

Camera settings - Set the exposure, aperture of the camera and the focal distance.

Lenses - Choose from 6 prime lenses. 16mm, 24mm and 35mm are frequently used in street photography. 8mm is an ultra wide fisheye. 50mm and 85mm are great for longer, portrait shots.

Resolution - This simply sets the resolution of the rendered image from 3 presets, all in a 3:2 aspect ratio which is a standard in film photography.

‘Low’ is 810x540, ideal for low end machines or quick preview renders. ‘Medium’ is 1620x1080, ideal for most machines and scenarios. ‘High’ is 3240x2160, Perfect for final renders on higher end hardware.

PLEASE NOTE: During rendering, the rendered image will appear to have no settings applied to it. This is because all film emulation is applied after the rendering is completed. Simply wait for the render to finish, and all film emulation will be applied automatically.


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Sales 40+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 8 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
License GPL