Wear N' Tear

by Sahin Ersoz in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 10 ratings by the community.

  • Jackson
    4 months ago

    It does what it promises, a little confusing to understand some functions, but it's definitely worth the money invested. I've already used OCD 1 and 2 and I really didn't like the way it works, with Wear N' Tear everything is more simplified (once you learn). If it is possible to create a practical tutorial of what you do in the videos, the demos imply that it is super simple to use SketchNCarve, which is not true.

    • Sahin Ersoz

      4 months ago

      Thank you, Jackson! :)

  • yuksel
    5 months ago

    Great add-on! The most versatile and richest toolset. WearNTear_LP is blazingly fast, has a beautiful stylized look and, WNT_HP looks great when realizm is needed. Full Damage Control comes with Sketch N' Carve Core, a unique modeling app for creating cracks and additional damage and truck load of other features, and to top it all a physics simulation tool is also included! Just the extra tools included are worth the price!

    • Sahin Ersoz

      4 months ago

      Thank you, Yuksel! :)

  • P
    5 months ago

    Average. Actually more like mediocre. First of all Sketch N Carve is absolute abomination of UI. Give me single key to draw shapes instantly in viewport projection rathern than whatever that is supposed to be. Ultimately these addons are not really anything new. They just streamline already existing functions of blender (that is why 99% of them are awful) and this one failed at the "streamline" portion of it, hard. So the higher bundles aboce pro are worthless to me.

    Now Wear N Tear is ok but no cigar. Two modes LP and HP.

    Compared to OCD2 (at the time of writing) it can actually do small damage on edges. But just like there you can't really bevel them on geometry you either bevel in shader or remesh. But it has no hero portion of OCD2 which is a shame. Plaster and mortar are nice addition though again end effect is not something that will look better vs proper displacement scanned texture. So its for stylized graphics only but especially mortar is nice. What I don't like is that plaster (that can be moss) is not separated into two layers, plaster and moss. And moss should be ON TOP of plaster. So its something to improve. Grunge (in HP mode) sometimes work. Buggy as hell. Because I am guessing it is based on blenders atrocious booleans?

    LP and HP edge damage modes work in completely different fashion. HP has grunge and texture choices and rotation. LP does not. Lp however has inset edges with height so edge damage looks different and for that it is a valid secondary mode. Unfortunatelly it is unable to cause any damage in the middle of poligon which severly limits its usage. I wish there was option to add damage there with some tesselation. Also if you remesh it awful triangles will be caught in the center of the polygon unless you use flat/keep volume ticks but that makes sides completely flat and boring. It really comes down to if it would be possible to have tesselated middle of the poligons with additional damage then it would be pretty good.

    In the and, SNC skip. WNT damage is a lot better then OCD2 but OCD2 has Hero remesh (voxelize + displace). I use both addons together for that reason. Of course you could write your own geometry nodes to remesh and displace and in that situation WnT is better then OCD2 by huge margin.
    Also presets are really nice to have. So big plus there.

  • WizjaPrzestrzeni
    over 1 year ago

    Make a proper Step-by-Step tutorial, man !
    How to get this effect or achieve that result.... slowly.
    Help us understand the power of that tool !
    Only 4 stars because of lack of proper tutorials for noobs. :)

    • Sahin Ersoz

      4 months ago

      Thanks, Wizja. There is a comprehensive tutorial video: Wear N' Tear: The Tutorial

  • gurayg
    over 1 year ago

    Been using WnT for 9 days now.
    It is working as advertised. If you like what you're seeing, you won't be disappointed.
    WnT has more options and features than similar add-ons.
    Author answers all questions and updates addons with bug fixes and new features.

    • Sahin Ersoz

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you, Guray!

  • Frank Hilton
    over 1 year ago

    As a disabled hobbyist of Blender, trying to do manually what Wear-n- Tear does is wicked time consuming; not to mention sometime painful for my hands.

    However, WnT is an awesome tool that allows me to add wear, tear, edge damage, mortar and plaster in far less time then doing it manually. WnT has some options that other addons like this don't have.

    There are two options I really like; LP (low poly) and HP (high poly). This is great because it lets you choose the mesh density of your WnT's.

    Although you can do wear and tear using Sculpting, sometimes I don't want all that extra added Dyno mesh just for this effect. WnT allows me to keep my mesh count down and still have the effect. And , even though I don't use Blender to make money or even make anything I do publicly (just wallpaper images), I still like to watch my mesh counts so everything runs smoothly.

    I would highly recommend this addon if you want a quick way to get this effect without having to use a procedural shader.

    • Sahin Ersoz

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you, Frank :)

  • pumpchin
    over 1 year ago

    - more options for customization than other similar addons

    - viewport realtime performance not as good as in similar addons
    - documentation is lacking basic usage instructions

  • axier
    over 1 year ago

    Great addon, it has many more functions than other similar plugins. Sahin is very helpfull aswell.

    • Sahin Ersoz

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you, axier! :)

  • Jeremy Park
    over 1 year ago

    The best yet. Still not 100% guaranteed results but easily worth 5 stars.

    • Sahin Ersoz

      over 1 year ago

      Thanks, Jeremy! :)

  • keithbrown
    over 1 year ago

    Product is exactly as advertised and works great!

    • Sahin Ersoz

      over 1 year ago

      Thank you, Keith! :)

  • Displaying 10 ratings

Purchase this item to leave a review!

Choose a product version:

  • $10 Wear N' Tear

    Wear N' Tear LP (Stylized Low Poly Edge Damage) + Wear N' Tear HP (High Poly Edge & Face Damage)

  • $16 Wear N' Tear PRO

    Wear N' Tear + Mortar and Plaster

  • $24 Wear N' Tear Damage Control

    Wear N' Tear PRO + Sketch N' Carve CORE: Cut cracks, cut parts off, add scratches, rip, tear, shred. Heck, build the model first with Sketch N' Carve CORE which is a full function modeler.

  • $30 Wear N' Tear Full Damage Control

    Wear N' Tear Damage Control + Sketch N' Simulate SE (Rigid Body physics simulation for debris posing) +Surface Damage (WNT_LP)

Sales 1000+
Customer Ratings 10
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL
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