Voxel Master (Gn Node Group)

by Nuno Sousa in Modifier Setups


Voxel Master is a Geometry Node Groups Asset made to improve on the standard Remesh Modifier.

Currently(v.0.0.5) it provides a more detailed result than the standard remesh modifier using the same amount of geometry.

Future Updates:

  • Transfer Attribute (UV): Currently under development, this feature allows users to transfer UV´s or other attributes from the original to the remeshed object.
  • Snap Geometry to Sharp Edges: Snaps remeshed geometry to sharp edges from sample geometry. Useful to preserve detail after remeshing.
  • Inflate Thin Geometry: Inflates thin areas in the geometry to avoid holes during remeshing. Adjust strength and mask spread for fine control.
  • Non-Manifold and Closed Geometry checks: In order to help users identify where possible errors may originate from.

Version Information:

13/10/24 - Version 0.0.5: Added iterations control

  • Better accuracy and faster results 
  • Added “density” to the inputs panel, as it will be useful for some fine surface control

10/9/24 - Version 0.0.4: Geometry nodes integration, move away from panel based UI

  • Updated User interface.
  • Geometry nodes group asset for more flexibility 
  • Better accuracy then previous versions 
  • Integrated mesh smoothing.

Note:This product was a side panel based add-on, from version 0.0.4, and after it will be a GN node group Asset.

01/12/23 - Version 0.0.3: Stability and user interface.

  • Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements: Some features that weren't fully functional were removed and will be worked on in the future.
  • Updated User interface.

25/11/23 - Version 0.0.2: Feature Enhancements and New Additions

  • Merge Duplicates Feature: A significant new feature that allows users to merge vertices that are close to each other within a specified threshold. This is particularly useful for cleaning up mesh geometry to prevent remeshing artifacts.
  • Enhanced Reporting: The merging operation now reports the number of vertices merged, providing better feedback to the user.
  • UI Adjustments: Changes in the user interface to accommodate new features and possibly improve user interaction.
  • Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements: Some bugs were identified in the initial release by devs and users and have been addressed.

21/11/23 - Version 0.0.1: Initial Release

  • Basic voxel remeshing functionalities.
  • Settings for voxel size, thickness, and smooth shading.
  • Options for additional mesh processing like relax smoothing and sharpening (bevel modifiers).
  • A simple user interface in the Blender sidebar with basic controls.
  • Operators to add, update, and apply modifiers.
  •  We look forward to gathering user feedback and continuously improving the tool in future releases.


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Sales 70+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1
License GPL
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remesh modeling free geometrynodes Geonodes remeshing