Vfx Essentials Bundle
Bundle contains multiple packs related to particle effects, volumetrics, overlays, workspaces and visual effects.
Total non-bundle value of this bundle is ≈$86.
Volumetrics Pack - https://blendermarket.com/products/eevee-volumetric-light-smoke-effects-pack
Works with Cycles & Eevee with 19 light presets and smoke effects that react to the environment with quick real-time previews. It can also replicate fog for any scene.
Weather VFX Pack - https://blendermarket.com/products/weather-particles-rain-snow-fog-lightning
Particle systems and effects tend to have this overlay effect that feels artificial to the eye, especially when the particle system follows the camera as it moves. But instead of an overlay effect, we’re looking for one that feels like it belongs to the scene, giving it depth and atmosphere.
Weapon Particles Pack - https://blendermarket.com/products/weapon-impact-particles
Easily add to your weapon a muzzle flash, bullet impact particles effects for different materials, physics to the impact and smoke after the gun shots.
Retro Graphics - https://blendermarket.com/products/retro-effects-graphics
Bring back the retro era graphics with dithering and vertex snapping for your scenes and materials.
Fog Ball - https://blendermarket.com/products/eevee-volumetric-fog-ball
Generate different amounts of fog inside the ball and all around its outside. You can put your entire scene within it, or position the ball in parts of your scene where you'd like to achieve its great effect.
Text Word Art - https://blendermarket.com/products/text-wordart
Inspired by the retro word art from the past with its stylish and colorful expressions (also known as text art), Text Word Art aims to bring back that style of text in the 3D plains of Blender through the 3D-in-built text tool.
Title Overlays - https://blendermarket.com/products/titles-overlays-lower-thirds
Enjoy the simple and stylish overlay titles and lower thirds for your video productions. They've been crafted to not be overwhelming or intruding to the viewer, since when things are too fancy, it takes away their attention from the video and steers them towards irritation land.
UI Workspaces - https://blendermarket.com/products/ui-skin-productivity-layout-workspace
Change Blender's default UI to a new refreshing breath of life to your workflow with the bonus of the productivity Workspaces, tailored specifically for modeling, animation, texturing and rendering.
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