Blender Vfx Course: Add Animated Characters To Your Video!
Are you interested in creating visual effects with Blender? This course is perfect to get you started. Throughout nine chapters, I'll guide you step by step to this awesome VFX shot!
All you need is a basic knowledge of Blender. I move slowly and explain everything in detail, but this shouldn't be your first time opening Blender, if you want to follow along:)
- Introduction
- Convert Footage into an Image Sequence
- Make a Camera Track
- 3D Scene Setup
- Get free Character & Animation from Mixamo
- Import Character into Blender
- Compositing
- Rendering
- Convert Image Sequence into Video File
The footage I used is included in the downloads, so you can directly follow along.
I recorded this course with Blender 2.92. There shouldn't really be a problem following along with older/newer versions, but it might be easier if you use the same.
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