Vdm Creature Brushes Variety Set

by Mindsigh13 in Surfacing

Hi, I'm Will.

Thank You for checking out my vector displacement brushes.

This variety set consists of 23 ready-to-use brushes from 15 vector displacement maps  ranging from alien details, dragon/reptile scales, to horror and diseased looks. They can be quite handy when creating concepts all the way through to finished pieces. 

I started this set with the intention of making a specialized set for monster creation. This quickly evolved into science fiction and fantasy designs as well. The zombie skin brushes are great for the more gory aspects of creature creation,  while the dragon scales and fringe brushes will add some quick details that will elevate silhouettes on meshes.

Brushes are best used on High-Poly meshes to get maximum details. Brushes are set and ready to be used directly in the enclosed .blend file.

All brushes have icons that are color-coded so you can quickly choose the brush that's right for the job at hand.


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Sales 90+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free