Trees And Bushes Collection

by fffaaa12 in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 6 ratings by the community.

  • Janne
    about 2 years ago

    Very good general quality for the price. Good basic geometry and textures. The models seem to hit a nice sweet spot between quality and performance. Few problems though:
    1. Roughness values seem to be inverted and should be checked.
    2. Specularity is 1.0 (the max value) which is too much. I I'm correct as a base rule theoretically all specularity values should regularly be 0.5 and roughness and geometry will cause differences in amount of "general perceived reflectivity". BUT with simulated granular surfaces like tree bark with detail that doesn't exist in the real geometry, the specularity should probably be a lot lower in value.
    3. Some trees have problems in UV-mapping. For example oak (number 2) has serious stretching issues in the trunk which makes the model unusable without remapping/fixing the UV-maps.

    A more expensive collection would probably get a slightly lower rating but for this price we're talking really good value.

    • Andrey Repnikov

      about 2 years ago

      Thank you!

  • Ben U
    about 3 years ago

    Top-notch work. Wide variety of options with excellent geometry, textures, and materials. We get two options for each tree — with rotations and a little proportional editing I have nearly all the options I might need. Customization to the shaders (fall, winter, e.g.) will need to be done by hand (this isn't surprising considering the impressively low price).

    Low-poly versions are still kind of high if you're doing animation — here are a few vertex counts as a reference (a number for each tree, 2 trees per set):

    Maple Tree High: 316K; 398K
    Maple Tree Low: 221K; 280K

    Weeping Willow High: 2,768K; 2,808K
    Weeping Willow Low: 649K; 842K

    Oak High: 1,233K; 1,004K
    Oak Low: 796K; 659K

    Very, very glad to have this in my toolkit.

    • Andrey Repnikov

      about 3 years ago

      Thank you!

  • Ethan Hansen
    over 3 years ago

    Can hardly believe this product was only USD 17. These are some of the best quality nature assets I've ever laid hands on, and set up for convenience. (Single object to grab onto. No separate leaves!)

    Really hoping this gets an update for 3.0 asset browser drag & drop. Thank you!

    • Andrey Repnikov

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you!

  • willbinet
    over 3 years ago

    Highly recommend! Very nice models. Keep the good work.
    Best regard

    • Andrey Repnikov

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you!

  • adriaan claerhout
    over 3 years ago

    These models are very detailed and look amazing!

    • Andrey Repnikov

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you!

  • Somayeh Ashtari
    over 3 years ago

    Highly recommend! :)

    • Andrey Repnikov

      over 3 years ago

      Thank you!

  • Displaying 6 ratings

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  • Model: Pinus sylvestris + Thuja

  • 100% Trees And Bushes Collection


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Sales 200+
6 ratings
Published almost 4 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free