Trees - It's A Breeze

by Stefan Kotuziak in Modifier Setups

Distribute tons of trees across your landscapes without bringing your computer to its knees.

Render whole forests in seconds.

Trees - It's A Breeze lets you populate your nature scenes quickly, with minimal effort and low computing overhead. The interface is clean and simple. It all happens in the Modifier tab with no need to mess around in the geometry node editor.

Do you need trees just on that ridge line or down in a valley? No problem. Enter a start and end elevation and you're done.

Change the density of your forest with a simple slider.

Randomise the scale of the trees.

Animate trees growing up a mountainside (see the video demo).

Scatter any objects, not just trees.

The trees are image mapped planes that are meant as forest filler for your scenes. Instead of importing masses of polygon heavy objects which can grind your computer to a halt, you can import a few "hero" trees and fill the rest of the scene with these objects.

It's quick and easy and will save hours of rendering time. Your computer will love you.

Render smarter, not harder.


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Published 7 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Royalty Free
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Stefan Kotuziak background forest 2d trees