Thrust Addon
A Small light weight addon for making procedural thrust in realtime using blender, best for games and far away shots that do not need that much of visual and best for any PC specs
No particles or smoke involved, which makes it fast, an simple to use and easily customizable
Check Out How Easy it is to Make Thrust with This Addon
Easy Coloring
You can easily change the color of the thrust, and the smoke of the thrust, all geometry, this thrust is easily customizable and requires no tutorials to use at all
you get the Thrust Color and the Outer Color
Easy Customize
you can change the speed of the thrust using the Delay and the Detail reduces how many faces the thrust will have, the Length is the Length of the thrust and the Noise Adds Displacement and Noise in the Thrust
This addon works so well with my other addons
Scifi Elements Addon which creates scifi elements in your scene easily
Quake Motion Camera, Blenders best motion camera addon ever created
Particles-X Blender's Advanced particle system
For more information or Bug Reports, Send me a message on my Blender Market Store, Thank You
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