The Hive - Randomized Motion Setup With Collision Detection - Boids In Geonodes

by codesignprojects in Modifier Setups

A self-contained "Ant Simulation" Geometry Nodes setup with collision detection. Essentially a collision system with randomized motion in Geometry Nodes. Here Ants are instanced on the system, you can use your own custom object.

Video demo here.

The setup basically is a customizable number of points, moved and turned into random directions (with adjustable degree of randomness). With collision detection, they are able to avoid obstacles and move on indefinitely. On these points any object can be instanced.

In addition to the main blend, the setup contains the following steps too, for easy readability -

  • Move instances in random direction (Example 1)

  • Turn direction with adjustable and random degree and probability  (Example 2)

  • Add collision detection  (Example 3)

  • Instance the ants (or your own object) !  (The main file)

The file is optimized for and rendered in Eevee (Render Viewport animation). Of course, you can set up any renderer you wish.



-(Since it is a concept demonstration, it is kept as simple as possible.) The GeoNodes trees are kept clean for easier readability and have detailed explanations. Everything is built from the base. The point of these setups is to provide a base core of the concept, node from node, instead of contracting all into node groups with exposed settings, which makes everything harder to read and dissect.

You can embellish, refine as you wish based on the core or realize your own ideas.

-Read the text description, it has a lot of useful info !


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Sales 10+
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6
License Creative Commons