Texture Decay [Geo Nodes]

by Three Dimensional Nerd in Modifier Setups

3DN-TextureDecay - Documentation


Download the "3DN-TextureDecay" .blend file and save it somewhere memorable. In Blender, go to File -> Append -> locate the .blend file -> Node Tree. Then select the "3DN-TextureDecay" node group and press "append".

How it Works

A simple Geo-nodes setup that extrudes the faces of the object along their individual normal axis. Then once extruded by a tiny value the faces are merged back together creating a shell that the "3DN-TextureDecay_M" material is applied to. I've tested this with many complex shapes (see scene example in product images) and this method works the best by far.


Re-assigning the object's original material resolves some issues that can occur when using textures with UVs.

OffsetScale: controls the distance the faces are extruded.

MergeDistance: Can be adjusted if you're changing the OffsetScale.

GlobalScale, GlobalDetail, GlobalRoughness and GlobalDistortion all work in the same way as when using a noise texture. NormalStrength and NormalDistance both work the same as the bump node in the shader editor.

DirtColour: Easily set the base colour of your dirt.

DirtHueShift: Uses a noise texture to randomise the hue of the DirtColour 

DirtSat: Dirt colour saturation value

DirtAmount: The thickness of the dirt layer and adjusts the distribution

DirtMinRoughness: Maximum roughness is always "1.000" so the closer to 1 the MinRoughness is the more dry the dirt looks.

GrimeAmount: Controls how prominent the layer of grime is over the object.

GrimeDistribution: Controls the distribution in the same way as a noise texture scale value.

DustColour: Controls the colour of the dust layer.


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Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 3.5
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