Terra Blend

by Blender Procedural in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 3 from 7 ratings by the community.

  • ShimmyChanga
    2 months ago

    I don't know how to use this at all

  • Neil Wood
    2 months ago

    I just can't make this work??? Without help I will be asking for a refund in the next day or so!!!

  • HeyMusa
    3 months ago

    Amazing add-on! Hope you keep developing this. I can't imagine using Blender without it.

  • myline
    3 months ago

    I love this. works really well!

  • ken takahashi
    3 months ago

    I agree with Vesper's opinion.
    I have purchased a lot of works by this author, but beginners to intermediate users sometimes get frustrated because they don't know how to use them. I would like to see more information on how to use it in the documentation, rather than just a demo video. An example would be something like ``First specify this object, then specify another object.'' I think it would be nice to have a talented person like the author who knows Blender inside out, but as someone who loves Blender Market, I would appreciate it if you could put a restriction on how to use add-ons and modifier setups in the documentation. Please consider this.

  • Vesper
    3 months ago

    So I bought this addon, and am very well versed in geo nodes. I honestly bought this out of convenience. Honestly though, this is a great idea but broken in so many ways. I think it has great potential but at the moment is unusable. Upon selecting the two materials and initializing the blend sync, it immediately defaults to a random folder or a random saved group node you might have created. The author needs to fix this issue and I would wait until it is fixed. So far I have requested a refund, and I practically never request one. It's only 6$ and so the reason for a refund request is to send a message to authors and to the blender market that you need to vet better your products. This is probably the third out of maybe 10 items I bought that didn't work as shown. I wanted to make sure though this time, that people know, that it is:
    A. Unacceptable that no documentation is provided nor an FAQ
    B. That the Tutorial is not also the demo (Not that I needed a tutorial)
    C. Blender Market and whoever runs quality control needs to do a better job of vetting this addons in a more robust and scrutinizing way.
    So do yourself a favor and hold off on this Until the author either issues a proper explanation as to why the node and shader system are not properly synching. If you buy this addon, you will see immediate two download with both the same name but one is half the size of the other and both are literally named the same and have no distinction in difference other than file size. No version number and apparently both created on the same day.
    Blender Market Do Better!

  • Nicelol
    3 months ago

    thanks ! nice

  • Displaying 7 ratings

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Sales 100+
7 ratings
Published 3 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
Extension Type N/A
License Royalty Free