This item has an average rating of 2 from 2 ratings by the community.
Vicente Didier
about 2 years ago
I agree with the previous review that the animations are impossible to work with. The swan is beautiful and very well done, but it is pointless if you can't get the animations to work.
over 3 years ago
the problem was to cut out each animation out. All Animations are merged together so its horror to work throught it. Plus: there are 2 Epmty animation Layers for the Feets. So you cannot simple cu out Keyframes in Timeline, you have to work with NLA Editor and DopeSHeet Editor. This is more i except. And more i understand. I hough i buy a Swan, drag & Drop some animation to make a cool movie,...NOPE !Yo have to be expert in Blender Animation to solve this, and im not. Need help