Super Sprites

by Sebastian Nebaeus in Addons

why is the render button not working?

If you get an error like this, you might have tried to render in a different scene then startupscene.

Make sure that you use the scene called StartingScene. 

The plugin references to scene names and needs this to be the active scene in order for it to work. 

Renders freezes blender?

Renders takes about 5 to 12 seconds per sprite. 
Blender will freeze during this time which is something you just have to wait out.

If you render in multiple directions and have a lot of frames in your animation, it will take quite some time. Grab a cup of tea or something.

Can i use this to create sprites for platformers?

Yes, you can choose any perspective really.
if you want to do stuff similar to Dead Cells, have at it!

Sales 90+
Customer Ratings 2
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Published about 2 years ago
Blender Version 3.3
License Mit
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