This item has an average rating of 4 from 1 rating by the community.
7 months ago
Very nice asset for stylized grass and trees. It goes along well with what I am aiming for.
My only complaint is that I was unable to get the vertex groups for erasing the grass to work correctly and I had to find ways to work around it.
Alif Saeful Ummam
7 months ago
Thank you, I appreciate it. If you want to delete the vertex group, you can use subtract via weight paint.
Displaying 1 rating
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All Assets > Yes,
Procedural Tree > No,
Procedural Leaves > Yes,
Animations > Yes,
UitTree Procedural Node Group > No
All Assets > Yes,
Procedural Tree > Yes,
Procedural Leaves > Yes,
Animations > Yes,
UitTree Procedural Node Group > Yes,
Support Artist > Yes