Stylized Rock And Ice Cliff Generator Addon

by Blender Procedural in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 3 from 6 ratings by the community.

  • pwlnism
    7 months ago

    After reading the other feedback/ratings i got it to work with the provided file. The lack of documentation is rather sad. And since i got the "addon" (rather the .blend file i guess) for exporting into another engine its sad that there is also no rock materials included.

    Apart from that if you just take the cube that was included in the .blend file you can start playing around with it and generate simple shapes rather quickly. And it exported into fbx just fine.

    Sad that the addon doesnt work how it was intended but it is what it is i guess.

    10 months ago

    this isn't working, Is this a joke?

  • Tony Grant
    about 1 year ago

    Hey, Oda, Jognabagnale, I figured it out,

    It's not like Blender Procedural to not answer customer inquiries. This page has responded to me a few times before, but anyway, I found a work-around. DON'T use the ADD-ON ZIP FILE. Installing it and running it will do nothing but crash Blender with a python script error. Instead, run the Rock_Gen Blend file that comes with it. Open it, and either go into the shader editor or material slider to shape, design and sculpt your rocks/ice to your liking. You can convert it to Ice glaciers or leave as rocks, but the seeds and shape sliders are all there and working. Hope this helps.

  • jognabagnale
    about 1 year ago


  • Oda Junior
    about 1 year ago

    The addon doesn't work, the informations of the demonsstration video are cropped and has no documentation. Also, the creator doesn't respond to questions.

  • Joseph
    about 1 year ago

    No response to questions, no documentation, probably should just get a refund. He actively crops the instructions out of videos and gifs, as if he would rather we just didn't use the product.

  • Displaying 6 ratings

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Sales 200+
6 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Royalty Free