
by WerwackFx in Addons

ā— What is the current version of StoryLiner?
Blender 3.6, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2:

The latest released version for all the editionsĀ is V 1.2.21.
This version was released on 15th, January 2025.

Blender 4.3:

The latest released version for all the editionsĀ is V 1.2.321.
This version was released on 15th, January 2025.

ā— Is StoryLiner an "extension" for Blender 4.2?

No, StoryLiner has not yet been converted to an extension because it is... tricky, for the least. It is a big add-on, with Python library dependencies, and packing those dependencies as specified by the extension guidelines is difficult, if not impossible.
Not a big deal, though, StoryLiner works very well as a "Legacy add-on" šŸ˜.
See how to install it in this video: Installing StoryLiner in Blender 4.2+

ā— What are the differences between each edition of StoryLiner?

StoryLiner comes in four editions, each adding more features to the previous one to better answer the needs of a particular artistic discipline and to enhance its integration in production.

Ā Ā 

An overview of the editions as well as their differences is presented in details here: StoryLiner Editions.

ā— I bought an edition of StoryLiner and I would like to upgrade to a more advanced one, what is the process?

Just pick the upper edition and purchase it the usual way. The form will propose you to pay only for the difference between this edition and the one you already have.

ā— What is included in the package? Will there be updates?

With the purchase of a StoryLiner license, you will gain access to all maintenance updates and new feature releases within the same major version as your license, up to the next major version.

In other words:

  • The current major version is version 1.x. This means you will have access to packages such as V 1.0, V 1.1, V 1.2, V 1.3, and so on as they are released.
    Note that there are 2 packages for V 1.2, one for Blender up to 4.2 and one for 4.3.

  • In the future, StoryLiner may require significant updates, either to support new features that cannot be implemented within the current architecture or to ensure compatibility with changes in a new version of Blender. These updates will likely demand substantial work, potentially making StoryLiner incompatible with older Blender versions. At that point, a new major version, called V 2.0, will be released.

StoryLiner V 2.0 will be treated as a separate product, and you will need to purchase it again.

Until then, many exciting improvements are still planned for version 1.x! šŸ˜‰

Beta versions and previews:

When you own a Studio edition license, you gain access to beta versions of each new release before their official launch. This allows you to evaluate new features in advance conveniently.

ā— Is StoryLiner robust enough to be used in production?

The answer isĀ definitely yes ! StoryLiner is designed and written by a professional, for professionals.

StoryLiner is based on Ubisoft Shot Manager, a tool that was developed by Ubisoft for the Rabbids Invasion TV series in 2020. It was open-sourced, all along with some other add-ons such as Mixer. At the time, I did an article on how we used it during the pre-production phase, titled Blender and the Rabbids.

Since then, the add-on received a loooot of improvements, such as a storyboard and a 2.5D drawing modules, a render queue, a toolbar... and a a myriad of very useful small tools!

StoryLiner was initially made to be used very early in production. It now can support your sequences up to the step where you decide to break them into separated shot files.

ā— We are a company or a studio and we would like to get StoryLiner for an unlimited number of seats, what is the price?

If the variations proposed here do not fit with your company size, please contact me šŸ˜‰

  • All the basics of StoryLiner: create and manage shots, explore with edit variations, batch render.

  • Perfect for previz and pure 3D.

  • Start very early in pre-production by sketching the first visuals of the story!

  • All the Previz and Storyboard features plus a set of tools to exchange the edits with external editing applications and generate documents such as edit boards.

  • $400
  • Dedicated support


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Sales 200+
6 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 8 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type N/A
License GPL