Station At Night-Scene

by Skettch in Models

A station environment made for 3D concept and 3D animation especially for automotive visualizion works. Night renders are recommended.

Cycles renderer was the main focus, so it is recommended.

Ground texture has a procedural rain wetness shader. You can tweak it however you want from dry to wet!

**Car is only a placeholder for scale, you can use any vehicle of your own for the scene building.

**Most of the assets are made by me, textures are done with substance painter, some of them are from poly haven, ambient cg and

**Made in blender and in .blend format only!

*You can contact me via messages.

** Stationary parts in the animation include the use of this station.
** Stationary parts in the animation include the use of this station.


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 2 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Textured
License Creative Commons