Starfield Skydome

by in Surfacing

Starfield Skydome to create beautiful night scenes at once

This is a Starfield Environment ready to use for Blender Cycles World. This World Setup uses both,a high resolution Image and a procedural Sky Texture to achieve a photorealistic Background as well as a good Global illumination. The Starfield Image Map contains more than 2.4 Million Stars of the visible universe! By simply adjusting one Value you will get either a light filled Skydome, or an overwhelming amount of stars that even shows the structure of the milky way.

Scientific correct, High and Low Resolution Skydome

The Skydome Image Map is released from NASA Footage. It is therefore physically correct. And it it released for commercial Purposes! (The Terms of Use and Credits are given in the Documentation Section).

The Skydome comes with two preinstalled Sizes:

A high Resoution Texture Map with 16384x8192 Pixels, PNG Image,

and a low resolustion Texture Map with 8192x4096 Pixels, PNG Image.


Simple Node Setup

As shown in the Product Documentation, you can both tweak the appearance of the World Background, but also independent to this the Global illumination of the Scene. This gives you maximum control over the Scene.


A Sky full of Stars is beautifull. But a realistic moon with a nice halo shine is more than a top of it. So please also check out my photorealistic Moon with moon Phases Function in the Shader.

Get more informations here:

Moon with moon Phases




Credits of Scene usage of the Product Image Number two (Winterscape Image): Forest Model by nickbrunner.

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Sales 200+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 10 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free